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November 17, 2011 10:10 AM

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — There have been several arrests and some pushing and shoving between Occupy Wall Street protesters who launched their “Day of Action” this morning in lower Manhattan.

1010 WINS reported at least 50 people had been arrested.

WCBS 880′s Rich Lamb: NYC Is Ready

Hundreds of protesters who gathered across from Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan began marching toward Wall Street chanting “Occupy Wall Street, all day, all week” and “Whose streets? Our streets!”

Occupy Wall Street protesters march in lower Manhattan on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 (credit: CBS 2)

Occupy Wall Street protesters march in lower Manhattan on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 (credit: CBS 2)

Their goal this morning was to shut down Wall Street. According to their website, protesters claim to have blocked traders from entering the New York Stock Exchange around 9 a.m.

Protesters were greeted by a large police presence, who had essentially turned the blocks surrounding the NYSE into a large “frozen zone.”

Of course, it wasn’t completely frozen. Area residents and workers could get past police barricades by showing identification and proof they work there.

That meant that many residents, workers and children had to thread through crowds of protesters to make their way past barricades.

That triggered several shoving matches and arrests.

“You do not have a parade permit! You are blocking the street,” a police officer said through a bullhorn to demonstrators.

According to messages sent out on Twitter this morning, some protesters are wearing suits to try to blend in with the business crowd.

morearrests Police, Protesters Scuffle As Occupy Wall Street Day Of Action Begins Downtown

Arrests being made during the 'Day of Action' at Wall and Nassau Streets on Nov. 17, 2011. (credit: Kristin Thorne/CBS 2)

Today marks the two month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration and the group is hoping there will be a huge turnout at big protests they’ve planned throughout the city.

“We’re going to march on Wall Street and shut down the New York Stock Exchange,” said protester Patrick Bruner.

“We do hope to stop people from getting to work,” said demonstrator Austin Guest. “We do hope to stop the Stock Exchange from functioning, but we don’t hope to do it in a crazy, wild-eyed way.”

The Wall Street area is flooded with officers — some wearing riot helmets — who have set up barriers and checkpoints.  At least eight mounted police officers sat on horses in front of the New York Stock Exchange.

ows protest1 Police, Protesters Scuffle As Occupy Wall Street Day Of Action Begins Downtown

Mounted police officers in front of the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 (credit: Kristin Thorne/CBS 2)

If the protesters get their way, this morning’s demonstration will be followed by an afternoon effort to occupy the subways in all five boroughs at 3 p.m.

Then, they plan to re-take Foley Square at 5 p.m.

City officials say the NYPD is ready.

“We are certainly anticipating tens of thousands of people protesting aimed at significant disruptions of the lives of the people of this city,” said Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson. “Make no mistake, public safety is first and foremost and we have to ensure that the city can run. People need to drive down the streets and use essential services.”

Here is the schedule of planned activities:


“Shut Down Wall Street” — 7:00 a.m.

Protesters will gather at Liberty Square to “confront Wall Street.”

 ”Occupy The Subways” — 3:00 p.m.

Protesters will gather at subway stations across the five boroughs and rally on trains.


  • Fordham Rd
  • 3rd Ave, 138th Street
  • 163rd and Southern Blvd
  • 161st and River – Yankee Stadium


  • Broadway Junction
  • Borough Hall
  • 301 Grove Street
  • St Jose Patron Church,185 Suydam St, Bushwick


  • Jackson Heights/Roosevelt Ave.
  • Jamaica Center/Parsons/Archer
  • 92-10 Roosevelt Avenue, Jackson Heights


  • 125th St. A,B,C,D
  • Union Sq. (“Mass student strike”)
  • 23rd St and 8th Ave

Staten Island

  • St. George, Staten Island Ferry Terminal
  • 479 Port Richmond Avenue, Port Richmond

“Take the Square” — 5:00 p.m.

“Tens of thousands” of protesters will gather at Foley Square and then march to major bridges including the Brooklyn Bridge.

Today’s day of action is being streamed live online on Occupy Wall Street’s website. You can watch that live stream by clicking here.