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Any day now, the House will be voting on a balanced budget amendment in an effort to force Congress to abide by a defined budget. The move isn’t sitting well with many House Democrats.

According to The Hill, House Budget Committee ranking member Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) urged House Democrats to oppose the vote, suggesting, “This Constitutional amendment ... would weaken Congress’s ability to govern, and would open the door to courts intervening in federal budget decisions.”

Apparently, Mr. Van Hollen doesn’t understand or appreciate the concept of a Constitutional Budget Amendment. Instead, he sounds more like a college frat boy who has just learned that his limitless credit card is being taken away by his parents.

The Goodlatte Balanced Budget Amendment would prohibit Congress from spending more than it takes in unless approved by 3/5 of Congress; and would require the President to submit an annual balanced budget to Congress.

The amendment is nearly identical to the one that fell short of passing by one vote in the Senate in 1995.


Patrick, with our economy still reeling, and the jobs outlook bleak, it is imperative that a balanced budget not only be considered, but voted on, approved and put into place thus  holding Congress accountable for their financial decisions.

Months ago, Grassfire Nation launched our national petition calling for a Balanced Budget Amendment, and since that time have seen our petition numbers steadily increase as more Americans embraced the idea of a balanced budget amendment as the only way to combat the spendthrift habits of Congress.

Now with the Goodlatte Balanced Budget Amendment about to be voted on, Grassfire Nation will be rushing petitions of support to the Congressman, prior to this important vote, and we want to make certain your petition is among those delivered.

By signing right now, you will help push our petition totals to 110,000 or more at a critical time leading to this vote.

Take a moment right now to add your name to our petition supporting a balanced budget amendment by clicking here:

After signing, alert your friends and family so they too can be part of this important grassroots petition delivery supporting a balanced budget amendment.

Patrick, most Americans adhere to a budget, striving to live within their financial means. It’s time Congress do the same!

Click below to be included in this delivery:

But don’t delay. Cutoff to be included in this petition delivery is Noon Eastern, Wednesday, November 16.

So move quickly both in signing and rallying your friends.

As always thanks for your outstanding support.

Grassfire Nation


P.S: Help us rally an additional 10,000 citizen signers prior to this vote by signing our petition and then alerting your friends and family. Urge them to click below to ensure their petition is included: 

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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Nov. 15, 2011