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NYC, NYC (Nov 15) –Mayor Bloomberg unleashed his republican guard on peaceful protesters encamped at Zuccotti Park around 1 am local time today setting off a chain reaction of protests throughout the area. The news media was blacked out inclusive of an order to clear the airspace above the police action by the mayor’s office forcing at least one major news network’s “SkyCam” to land. The orders against the media were clearly to protect the Mayors already poor public image regarding numerous issues.

Accordingly, a group of OWS NYC occupants at the camp resisted bravely until the end all being eventually forcibly arrested and removed from the private park. Armed individuals in full riot gear swarmed on protesters with some able to escape the assault.

At least one local official was seriously injured and arrested by the armed elements ordered to remove the otherwise peaceful group from a location they’ve occupied since the beginning of the movement. Approximately 70 people were arrested and detained in the police action.

Bloomberg had agreed to allow the protesters back into the park following the cleaning of the park. Meanwhile, the National Lawyers Guild had obtained a restraining order against the city from allowing the OWS protesters to return, and camp at that location. The court has issued an 11:30am hearing for Bloomberg, and his city cronies to appear in court to show probable cause for their actions.

Riot clad militia members destroyed thousands of dollars of personal property smashing camera equipment, laptops, tents, and what the OWS protesters describe as, their media tent.

Bloomberg had the nerve to state the area was dangerous and a major crime scene. This coming from a political official to inept to control major crime in his own city, turned to this small group in a full show of force as nothing more than a political dog and pony show.

Following the raid, approximately 300 to 400 protesters ascended on city hall locking arms chanting, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, our billionaire mayor has got to go.”

Eyewitness accounts at the scene stated many of those arrested were complying with an illegal order issued by the Mayor to evacuate Zuccotti Park as the pleaded to at least take along their personal property that was later destroyed on orders by the mayor.

Apparently, the Mayor Bloomberg decided to “grow a pair” after a weekend that has witnessed similar raids around the country unleashed out fear against the peaceful demonstrators making grounds against whom they refer to as the “1 percenter” who control nearly 50 percent of the wealth in the US. The 1-percenters have reaped in the wealth following lucrative tax breaks awarded to Republican Party campaign donors during the Bush administration as the rest of the nation fell into poverty.

There are a number of online live links that have been broadcasting the action since the raid began this morning, LiveStream along with, UStream.TV have been flooded with viewers as, the police action garnered nearly 40,000 viewers on all channels at its peak.

There is still no word on the court’s decision regarding Bloomberg’s appeal to show cause for this violent move against private citizens “occupying” private property within the confines of the city of New York. Stay tuned as we will bring you updates as they develop.