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Stop The Super Committee 'Devil's Bargain' Against the 99%

Roger Hicky, Campaingnfor America's Future

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Tell Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader

Nancy Pelosi: No "Devil's Bargain" to Cut Retirement Security.


Democrats on the so-called "Super Committee" are making a big mistake. Twice now, they have offered Republicans deficit reduction packages with cuts to Medicare benefits -- and, by some accounts, cuts to Social Security benefits too.

And these Democratic proposals accept small Republican proposals for tiny “revenue increases” -- with no taxes on financial speculation.

We're in this mess because of Wall Street, not because seniors need to go to the doctor.

Sign the petition. Tell Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: No "Devil's Bargain" to cut retirement security.

Why Pelosi and Reid? Because they have the power to turn around this bad deal. Also, call your own Senators and Representatives too – especially if they are Democrats.

With Democrats making concession after concession, the risks become greater that a "Devil's Bargain" will be struck that will decimate retirement security but do next to nothing to create jobs or make the 1% pay their fair share.

If the Super Committee members won't listen, we need to go over their heads.

Sign the petition. Tell Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: No deficit deal that attacks the 99%.

Not only would a "Devil's Bargain" be a policy and moral disaster, Democrats need to hear that it would be a political disaster for them to give up their reputation as defenders of Social Security and Medicare.

The Democrats on the Super Committee cannot succeed if the rest of their party follows the lead of the American majority that wants to create jobs – and only then cut the deficit by making the 1% pay their fair share and by reining in Wall Street.

That's why we need to make party leaders hear our voices loud and clear.

Sign the petition. Tell Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: We need jobs, not cuts.

As undemocratic as the Super Committee is, we still have the power to stop it.

Let's make sure the voices of those who are Occupying across the country are heard in the halls of the Congress.


Roger Hickey, Co-director

Campaign for America's Future