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Criminal Walnuts

Perry Willis Vice President DownsizeDC

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Quote of the Day: "Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent." - Justice Louis D. Brandeis

Only an organization as evil as the FDA could manage to harm public health, free speech, and due process, with a single action.

The sample letter to Congress below explains how the FDA accomplished these things in the name of protecting you from . . .

Wait for it . . .


Our campaign to tame the FDA asks you to send the following request to Congress . . .

Make the FDA advisory, not mandatory.

In other words, the FDA would be able to continue testing drugs for safety, and could advise the public of what it finds, but it would NOT be able to dictate to citizens and doctors what drugs they can use.

The FDA would be forced to serve you, NOT rule you.

Making this simple change would automatically end tyrannical power grabs such as the one involving walnuts, described below. If you agree with our heretical position on this issue, please send Congress a letter asking them to make the FDA advisory only.

You can use the following sample letter for your personal comments to Congress . . .

Here's more evidence for why YOU need to introduce legislation making the FDA advisory only, as a service to public health and the rule of law.

The US National Library of Medicine contains 35 peer-reviewed studies indicating that eating walnuts improves vascular health and may reduce heart attack risk. (

Diamond Foods, which packages walnuts, made reference to these health claims on its website. The FDA then classified Diamond Foods' walnuts as a "drug!"

The FDA knows that this classification triggers testing requirements costing billions of dollars. This forced Diamond Foods to remove all scientific information about the health preserving benefits of walnuts.

This is what I have come to expect from The State in general, and the FDA in particular. You claim to serve us, but you cause harm at every turn. The FDA's action . . .

* Damages public health by denying access to scientific information that could prevent disease

* Violates the First Amendment, because Diamond Foods has an unalienable right to say whatever it wants without seeking permission from FDA dictators

The claims made by Diamond Foods are also protected by the presumption of innocence, which can only be reversed by due process in a court of law.

If Diamond Foods is somehow defrauding the public then the FDA must prove this assertion in court, NOT simply assume it by dictatorial fiat.

The owners and investors of Diamond Foods did not lose their Constitutional rights simply because the arrogant employees of the FDA say so. 

This is not governing; this is capriciousness. I hereby petition you for a redress of grievances. Please make the FDA advisory only. The FDA may serve us, but I will never willingly submit to being ruled by it.


Since October 1, we've repeated a generous offer of matching funds for new monthly pledges, courtesy of Bill Haynes of CMI Gold & Silver.

Until December 31, Mr. Haynes has agreed to match the first month of your new pledge with $2 for every dollar you pledge. He's invested $5,000 for this purpose. We're nearly half-way through the allotted time, yet . . .

We've only raised 26% of the necessary funds -- received $659.33 in new pledges.

Pledges are the foundation of our monthly income, and allow us to plan long-term. They allow us to build for the future, and even to take occasional risks -- a necessary power when Congress or the Courts spring a surprise on you.

Pledges are, essentially, our ability to prepare and respond. They are vital, and very much appreciated by the Downsize DC Team. Please join us as a monthly credit card pledger.

If tax-deductibility is important to you, give to the Downsize DC Foundation.

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  • Cash or check
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  • Discover accepts each of those, plus PayPal.

And Downsize DC Foundation also accepts appreciated securities. Please hit reply if you're interested in donating stock or commodities.

Thank you for helping us grow Downsize DC,

Perry Willis

Vice President, Inc.

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