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OWS urges Americans to begin occupying foreclosed homes

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) It is the obvious next step against the federal government-slash-Wall Street financial scam against the American people. Occupy Wall Street's (OWS) Oakland chapter is urging Americans to embrace "Occupy Vacant Properties" (OVP), a move to literally occupy, en masse, homes across the country that have been foreclosed upon and are sitting vacant.

Now before some readers start to bemoan the supposed illegality of the idea, consider this -- the entire housing bubble collapse is a direct result of the banking system's illegal mortgage scheme. Many families -- honest, hard-working families -- fell victim to the banks illegitimate lending schemes, and in turn lost their homes and, in some cases, their life savings as well.

And how did the banks deal with following this massive plundering of the American people? The federal government under both the Bush and Obama administrations rewarded them with billions of American dollars, rather than punishing them for their crimes against humanity. How about that for justice?

"Families have been ripped off by banks, scammed by brokers and nothing's done to them," said one homeowner associated with the OVP movement that fell victim to the housing bubble and foreclosure scam. "It's time for the families and the community to stand up and take back what's theirs."

One man in Texas has actually taken advantage of a little-known "adverse possession" law that allowed him to legally take possession of a foreclosed home for the $16 it cost him to file the appropriate paperwork (

First of all, it is now widely known that many big banks actually forged home loan documents to initiate illegal foreclosures against homeowners in the first place. When caught, these banks simply promised to stop -- however they never actually did, and they have never been held legally responsible for this illegal activity (

More recently, the Massachusetts Supreme Court recently ruled that most home foreclosures that have taken place within the past five years are illegitimate because the foreclosing banks did not actually hold the promissory notes for the properties (

But the bigger question is, are mortgage loans themselves even legitimate? Bank loans that occur within the American fractional reserve currency system are actually nothing but an elaborate scam that trick people into "borrowing" money that banks do not even have, and that does not even exist, only to pay it back along with exorbitant interest for the next several decades (

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