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'Occupy Boston' takes Israeli consulate

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On Friday, activists gathered calling for the liberation of Palestine, angry at Israel for intercepting an aid flotilla on its way to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Protesters chanted slogans such as, “not another nickel, not another dime! No more money for Israel's crimes” and “Vive viva Palestina,” demanding the departure of Israeli consulate officials from the US.

The protest is part of a global movement against social and economic inequalities, and corporate greed.

Participants made clear that they are not anti-Semites, but anti-Zionists, critical of the Israeli government's current policies.

The “Occupy” movement emerged after a group of Americans on September 17 gathered in New York's financial district to protest against the unjust distribution of wealth in the US and the excessive influence of big corporations on the American politics.

Despite mass arrests and widespread police crackdown, the movement has now spread to major US cities, as well as to other countries, including Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Portugal.

'Occupy Boston' protesters in the US have stormed the Israeli consulate in the city and held a brief sit-in in the building's lobby, Press TV reports.


Nov. 5, 2011