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REAL ID Doesn't Protect You, It Hurts You

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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Quote of the Day: "You’ve got to prove you’re not a terrorist... Have we overreacted to some of the things that have come down from the federal level in the area of homeland security?" Florida state Rep. Larry Ahern

In 2005, the REAL ID Act was inserted into a war-spending bill which Congress passed without debate. Earlier this year, we explained how this law...

* Violates your fundamental liberties and increases the risk of identity theft

* Violates the Constitution

And as the letter below shows, REAL ID can become a real nightmare for innocent Americans. Please tell Congress to Repeal the REAL ID Act.

You may borrow from or copy this letter...

In 2010, Florida passed its own REAL ID Act to comply with the 2005 federal law. Now, there are bills to repeal it, for good reason ( Longtime drivers who renew their licenses must now provide ADDITIONAL documents merely to CONTINUE their driving privileges.

Not only is this a hassle to those unaware that they have to present their birth certificate plus other documentation, it also VICTIMIZES many of us, including...

* Divorcees, adoptees, and others who have undergone name changes

* Senior citizens

* And others who have difficulty locating records they may have never possessed, and that have not been found in courthouses

How does presenting such documents prevent terrorism? ...or even illegal immigration? As Paul Henry has noted (

* REAL ID would NOT have been a factor in preventing any of the 39 failed terror plots since 2001

* REAL ID won't deter any citizen or lawfully-entered immigrant from becoming a terrorist

* Nor would it actually prevent any illegal immigrant (or anyone with a revoked license) from actually driving

REAL ID places burdens on law-abiding citizens and on state budgets. It collects more of our personal information and places it in a central database, making us MORE vulnerable to identity theft. And...

It DOESN'T make us safer.

The REAL ID Act is unjust, unconstitutional, and just plain silly. Repeal it immediately!


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

And, if you want to increase the pressure on Congress, there's one other thing you can do. Help grow the Downsize DC Army!

The best way to do that is to start a monthly credit card pledge. You can do so for as little as a dollar. Our top monthly pledger invests $250. Any amount YOU can do will help.

In fact, this is a great time to pledge, thanks to Bill Haynes of CMI Gold & Silver.

Bill has agreed to match $2,500 worth of new monthly pledges with $5,000 of his own, by December 31. Think of it this way: Start a new pledge of $1, Bill contributes $2, tripling your first month's investment!

Remember, any amount will help us reach the goal.

Thank you for your support,

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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Sponsored by, Inc. – a non-profit educational organization promoting the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government. Operations office: 1931 15th St. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202.521.1200. Normally published 3-6 times per week. The Downsize DC Team would like to thank you for subscribing to the Downsizer-Dispatch, which you did by going to or by using our "Educate the Powerful System" to send a message.

Nov. 3, 2011