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BREAKING: Oakland General Strike Paralyzes City, Port (Updated Nov. 5, 2011)

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uge crowds gathering and marching in solidarity with Occupy Oakland's branch of the Occupy Worldwide Movement have shut down the port of Oakland as of 5:30:pm:pdt. Crowds and marchers gathered as the day progressed and are mounting and surging at this hour.

Oakland city officials including Mayor Jean Quan and Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan are addressing the local television media, speaking in conciliatory terms and appealing for calm.

Chanting "Our streets! Our port! Power to the people!" crowds are swirling through the port area and are scattered through the streets of downtown Oakland all the way back to the city's civic center where the controversy began nearly a week ago with a police raid on the Occupy Oakland encampment at Frank Ogawa Plaza.

There are unconfirmed reports that Oakland Police are coalescing around the entryway to the port to prevent the marchers from blocking it.

Reports that the Oakland Bay Bridge has been shut down can not be confirmed. Check back for updates as the evening progresses.

Huge crowds marching in solidarity with Occupy Oakland's branch of the Occupy Worldwide Movement have shut down the port of Oakland as of 5:30:pm:pdt. (photo: Robert Galbraith/Reuters)

Huge crowds marching in solidarity with Occupy Oakland's branch of the Occupy Worldwide Movement have shut down the port of Oakland as of 5:30:pm:pdt. (photo: Robert Galbraith/Reuters)

Livestream NY, Seattle, Oakland General Strike March

Livestream Oakland General Strike Marc



----- Original Message -----
From:  Di
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 9:58 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 About the article that states that the protestors forced the Port of Oakland to close, that is false!! There were exploding containers coming in from Viet Nam that forced the Port Authority to close two loading docks for the safety of the dockworkers. That decision had nothing to do with protestors.Just letting you know. Di