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ObamaCare sinking lower in polls

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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      Public support for the President's signature legislation,

      the so-called "Patient Protection and Affordable Care

      Act," is further declining in national polls.  Even

      elected Democrat officials are abandoning ship - and

      their constituents are fast following their lead. This

      is bad news for President Obama. But his worst news

      will come next year when, I believe, his heath care

      overhaul will be declared unconstitutional by the

      United States Supreme Court!  See my message below - Mat

The House of Representatives voted to repeal it and a growing

majority of Americans don't want it.  Yet ObamaCare still

stumbles forward in implementation and funding while slowly

displacing the world's finest health care system.

      A new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows an

      accelerating decline in positive views on ObamaCare,

      with just 34% having at least a "favorable" impression

      of the law. That's down from 41% in September!  And just

      18% of respondents felt their families would be "better

      off" when ObamaCare is fully implemented.

This healthcare "reform" law is, in reality, an unprecedented

expansion of federal power and regulation.  It is blatantly


It represents everything that is wrong with the failed

political philosophy of socialism. The power of the federal

government to regulate has limits set by the Constitution!

This healthcare law goes far, far beyond those limits.

Here are just a few of the leading objections to ObamaCare

that have led to its sinking popularity, even among liberals:

      ObamaCare's "individual mandate" is obviously

      unconstitutional.  If the government can force you

      to buy insurance, there will be no limits on what the

      government can force you to purchase.

      Taxpayer funding for abortions is against federal law,

      yet ObamaCare is full of loopholes allowing for the

      killing of innocent preborn children, and those

      loopholes are being rapidly exposed. 

      Remember the promise President Obama made about your

      medical insurance plan: "If you like what you've got,

      you can keep it"? It has been revealed that's absolutely

      NOT TRUE for the employees of as many as eighty percent

      of America's small businesses!


      Remember the administration's promise that ObamaCare

      would cut a typical family's premium "by up to $2,500

      a year"?  That's proven to be a complete fairy tale.

      Remember the promise that ObamaCare would "strengthen

      small businesses"?  That overt misstatement is not

      worthy of comment, given the jobless economy and the

      unwillingness of businesses both large and small to

      commit to new hiring.

      And remember when Barack Obama said there would not

      be rationing of care?  Dr. Donald Berwick, an

      outspoken fan of England's National Health Service

      and appointee to run OUR system, says rationing is

      inevitable.  In other words, the President's statement

      was a sham.

Eighteen months of scrutiny of the ObamaCare legislation has

revealed the truth about healthcare "reform," and it isn't

anything like the bill of goods Barack Obama and his

congressional cronies sold America.

++Now the best way to STOP ObamaCare is in court!

Overturning ObamaCare's unconstitutional mandates IN COURT

is our best chance to stop this socialist nightmare before

it gains any more momentum.  But this battle is just one of

many crucial cases Liberty Counsel is facing right now.

 I must continue to ask for your help today.

Liberty Counsel is standing at the epicenter of the battle

for the soul of America against an unprecedented number of

calculated and malicious assaults on our liberties.

As I wrote to you on Friday, "Political correctness" and

overt anti-Christian bigotry have been relentlessly pounding

our culture for several decades and these attacks have taken

a terrible toll. Today, there is an increasing need for the

kind of assistance Liberty Counsel was founded to provide

just to keep our culture from being pushed over the edge!

      Our litigation team is working hard to keep on top of

      attempts to turn America into a European-style,

      godless, socialist state and our caseload is growing

      as never before. When you add our lawsuit against

      ObamaCare to the mix, at times the challenges can

      seem overwhelming! 

Will you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift

right now so our team can continue to fight against the

rise of Big Government, radical pro-abortion groups, the

increasing attacks of the ACLU, and assaults from other

activist legal organizations? 

I pray you will consider helping today, even if you have

supported Liberty Counsel's aggressive defense of liberty,

life, and family many times before.  Please go here to help:

Liberty Counsel has been blessed with amazing opportunities

to change our culture.  Our fight against ObamaCare alone

is one of the greatest battles for liberty in our nation's

history!  But these opportunities come with significant


And beyond the demands of our major cases, every day we

are approached with requests for legal help from citizens

across the country who are facing serious infringements of

their constitutional rights, encountering overt religious

bigotry, or suffering assaults on their personal liberty

by radical liberal groups. 

I firmly believe it is Liberty Counsel's duty to do

everything in our power - both in the courts and the

court of public opinion - to turn back attacks on our

liberties.  And I believe the Lord has called you and me

to partner together to do just that!

We depend on friends who give $20, $30, $50, $100 - whatever

the Lord leads - so we can stay involved in these crucial


Will you help?

Please go here to make a tax-deductible gift:

THANK YOU and God Bless You for all you do as a key member

of the Liberty Counsel team!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and

Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and

policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,

the sanctity of human life and family. 

Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776