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Mayor Emanuel Chief Of Staff Flees Occupy Chicago's "Peoples Microphone" (Raw Video)

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Mayor Rahm Emanuel chief of staff faces Occupy Chicago and the volunteers from National Nurses United who were arrested in Grant park of October 22.

Occupy Chicago Works With City to Find Permanent Home

CHICAGO 10/26/11 -- Occupy Chicago announced today that their legal representatives, the National Lawyer's Guild (NLG), will be meeting with the City's Corporation Counsel this Thursday to discuss a permanent, round-the-clock location for the Occupation's home base.

"Last Friday, our General Assembly voted to empower our legal representatives, the National Lawyer's Guild (NLG), to meet with City authorities, says Joshua Kaunert from Occupy Chicago. "We have seen comments from City Hall in the press, claiming we refuse to work with them. This is not true. Last week, we invited the Mayor and his staff to attend our General Assembly, and they declined. We are dedicated to open discourse, and securing a permanent home for our movement."

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Oct. 24, 2011