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California Democrat Party among Solyndra's creditors

Grassfire Nation Update

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Grassfire Nation Update


While House Republicans from the Energy and Commerce

Oversight and Investigative committee are trying to

understand why the California Democrat Party would be

among Solyndra's creditors, Rush Limbaugh may already

have the answer ...


"It's a money laundering racket is what that was ..."


Rush doesn't see any great mystery here other than the

fact that American taxpayers were getting fleeced when

the operation suddenly went bust. "Solyndra slipped up,"

says Rush. "They were just too honest."


He believes Solyndra executives had no idea that the solar

company's sole purpose was to launder money back to the

Democrat Party. That they were in reality a "repository."


+ + Taxpayers Demanding Accountability and Honesty


          On Friday, Grassfire Nation will be

          delivering tens of thousands of petitions

          demanding a full and thorough investigation

          into the Solyndra scandal directly to the

          House Energy and Commerce Oversight and

          Investigation Subcommittee, and we would be

          honored to include your petition in this

          important delivery.


Click here now to ensure delivery this Friday:


This is likely your last opportunity to be included

in this important grassroots delivery effort -- demanding

accountability from an administration that has too often

worked in the shadows and above the law!


         Remember, it was the Obama administration that

         promised us that they would be "committed to

         creating an unprecedented level of openness in

         Government ... ensure the public trust and establish

         a system of transparency, public participation,

         and collaboration."


Apparently the memo wasn't widely distributed within.


Join the thousands of Americans who are holding this

administration accountable. Click below to take action:


Thank you for turning to Grassfire Nation.


Grassfire Nation


+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real

impact on the key issues of our day. 

Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.


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Oct. 26, 2011