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Patricia McAllister - Fired LAUSD School Teacher - Update

From Patricia McAllister

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What I have experienced less than a week ago, (Tuesday, October 18, 2011) has been unbelievable. Let me start from the beginning.
As you might remember, I was posting, asking teachers to come to Occupy LA with our cause about the firing and mistreatment of teachers.  That is what I did.  I made a sign about teachers losing their jobs, and about money being stolen from teachers, and I took my lawn chair and sat on the grounds of city hall, like many other citizens...seniors, young, and old.
I was approached by a reporter who said he wanted to ask me some questions.  He had a camera crew guy with him to take the video.  The interview was about 5 minutes long.  After the interview I forgot about it.  I think the interview took place on Friday, October 14, 2011.  On Monday morning, October 17, I started getting calls on my cell phone with such comments as "we support you", and some not so nice comments.  I did not know WHAT was going on.  I then went on the web and I started looking around the web, and I found the Occupy LA video!  I was shocked.
I had an assignment to teach at a high school on subfinder. A school requested me for a future assignment.  I then decided to go to subfinder to check the assignment, and I got the message, "your status is inactive, contact your supervisor."  I then knew that something was brewing.
I called the Subunit, and I was transferred to a supervisor.  She asked me to call upstairs to Ira Berman, Director of Employee Relations.  I called and we decided that I should come into the office to speak to Mr. Berman.
When I got to headquarters on Beautry, I was escorted into Mr. Berman's office, along with his assistant.  Mr. Berman gave me his business card, and he said that I no longer had a job with the district, that I was dismissed.  I asked him why, and he said that he could not talk about it.  I then asked him for the pink slip, and he said that he did not have one.  I was in his office no more than 45 seconds.
This happened to be the same day that the Occupy LAUSD rally was held.  I did not realize that until afterwards.  I went to the supply store and I bought some sign boards and I stood in front of Beaudry.  News reporters saw me and ran up to me saying that they heard I was fired, and they interviewed me...Fox news and KTLA.  I have also had interviews with other news media.
One might ask why this is such a hot topic.  Well, anytime you mention the Zionist Jews and their ownership of the printing of our money, and their ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank, you will get a lot of static.  Remember Helen Thomas and Rich Sanchez?  All they did was mention Jews, and they were fired.
The statement that I made was true. I will never apologize or back down from my statement. This matter concerning our Federal Reserve Bank being privately owned has been a concern of mine for years. Congress does not even have the authority to audit the Federal Reserve Bank!
I will have extensive history of the Federal Reserve Bank in the near future for the world to read.  Experts have also said that if the printing of America's money is turned over to the Treasury, through the Congress, that the U.S. could be out of debt within a year!  Do you see, the mismanagement and the printing of America's money by the Feds is the reason why we as Americans are suffering today!  This is why what I said is causing such a stir.
The Zionist Jewish bankers who started the Feds started the IRS within months of the Fed's beginning. The Fed buys U.S. debt with money they printed from nothing (trees), then charges the U.S. taxpayers interest. The government had to create income tax to pay the interest expense to the Fed's shareholders, but the income tax was never legally passed. The Fed is illegal per Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. In addition, not one state legally ratified the 16th Amendment making income tax legal.
I created the petition to have my job reinstated. Please go to the following website to sign the petition.  Thank you in advance for all of your support.


Have a blessed day.
Note - View Patricia's Free Speech video that resulted in her being fired.  Click HERE
Questions About New LAUSD
Superintendent John Deasy's Credentials
By Patricia McAllister 
Per the LA Weekly News:
The newly appointed Superintendent of LAUSD, John Deasy, who had worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, found himself in two major controversies.  In 2008, Capital News Service found lies in Deasy's resume. He stated the wrong date he received a master's degree, and he claimed he held a position in the doctoral program at Loyola Marymount University from 2003 to present. Loyola's human resources department could not find Deasy listed as a current or past faculty member.
Also, the Griffith Park Wayist also offers up a Baltimore Sun article that goes into how Deasy was caught in another controversy in 2008. He received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Louisville after completing only nine credits.
We as educators know that to receive a doctorate degree, a total of no less than 54 credits are required beyond a 36 semester hour Master's degree.  I think that John Deasy is a fraud.
Questions? Call Deasy at 213-241-7000.
John Deasy is the same Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School district, who went on TV this week telling the world that I was fired for making my comments.
I think that when a lot of embezzlement is going on, all of the top people that are recruited must be willing to take the same chances.  Based on Deasy's resume, it is evident that he is not a man of high character.
I think that we should call for the resignation of John Deasy, for falsifying his credentials.  If teachers were caught falsifying their credentials, they would be fired. Deasy is no better than we are. In my opinion, John Deasy is not qualified to be the Superintendent of the Los Angeles School District.
Note: The LAUSD School Board members knew about Deasy's false credentials, and they hired him anyway.  The LAUSD board members should be held accountable for their decision.
Please visit the following link for more information on John Deasy and the falsifying of his credentials.
Have a blessed day.