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OBAMACARE: How you can influence the Supreme Court's decision

Jim Babka President Downsize DC Foundation

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ATTENTION: We're taking Downsize DC back to the airwaves -- with a special guest! Details follow my signature.

Dear DC Downsizer,

If you act now you can use the Commonwealth of Virginia to help you get what you want from the Supreme Court.

Virginia has done two things to protect its citizens from Obamacare. It has . . .

  1. Passed legislation saying that its citizens do NOT have to obey Obamacare's "individual mandate." (This "mandate" requires that individuals buy health insurance.)
  2. Sued to have Obamacare declared un-constitutional because of the "individual mandate."

A lower court has ruled that Virginia does NOT have standing to bring its suit, because the "mandate" only impacts individuals, NOT states. But the Commonwealth is arguing that it has a right to protect its citizens from a predatory federal state, under the 10th Amendment, which limits federal functions while reserving powers to the states and to the people.

As we exlained yesterday, we want to write a brief to the Supreme Court defending Virginia's position. Success in this case would accomplish several things at once. It would . . .

  • Strike a blow against Obamacare, perhaps defeating it
  • Help restore the protection of the 10th Amendment
  • Enhance the ability of the states to protect their citizens from the Feds
  • Increase the legal support for the idea that states can NULLIFY unconstitutional and unjust federal laws

It is very rare that we can accomplish so many things with just one project. And we are very close to making it happen.

Yesterday, I told you we needed two $1,000 or more donors. This morning, I'm very grateful to those who helped us achieve that goal.

I ALSO told you, we needed 100 responses of varying size. Now, we're more than halfway there, but still need about 25 or so more responses. 

To those who've yet to give, this opportunity depends on you. You can contribute here:  

Jim Babka


Downsize DC Foundation

P.S. Today, as I do most Fridays (at 3:07 PM Eastern), I'm a guest on Straight Talk w/Jerry Hughes. BUT...

Starting Wednesday, October 26, I go back on air as a host! I was a nationally syndicated talk show host from 2005-2008. Now, I'll be filling in, an hour or two, each week, as a guest host on Jerry's show, on the Accent Radio Network.

My debut guest will be Judge Andrew Napolitano, host of the Fox Business Channel program, Freedom Watch. We'll be discussing, amongst other things, his book, "It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong." In fact, I'll give the Judge an interview unlike any other he's likely to receive, so you won't want to miss it.

A podcast will be available sometime after the live show has concluded.

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Oct. 21, 2011