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Former Claire McCaskill Staffer, Bob Burns, Occupies St. Louis

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Last Saturday the Post Dispatch reported on the Occupy St. Louis march downtown. Their featured photograph, shows none other than former Senator Claire McCaskill staffer, Bob Burns. Burns gained a bit of notoriety when he called Tea Partiers "brown shirts":


That bit of hate speech got Burns disciplined by McCaskill. Now, Burns is marching under the "CLASSWAR" banner. That speaks volumes about the politics of the people Senator McCaskill brings into her office. While McCaskill puts on the airs of a moderate, she surrounds herself with radicals like Burns.


Less than a week after Bob Burns marched with the St. Louis Occupants, the flagship Occupy protest has received an ironic endorsement from none other than the American Nazi Party:

The American Nazi Party has officially backed the Occupiers in a statement on its website. The ANP, which also calls itself a National Socialist party, writes that the Occupy Wall Street movement is “TAYLOR [sic] MADE for National Socialists,” and urges its members to join in. “Produce some flyers EXPLAINING the 'JEW BANKER' influence—DON’T wear anything marking you as an ‘evil racist’—and GET OUT THERE and SPREAD the WORD!”

If Burns is their to accept the endorsement, we'll let you know!

h/t: Ed.