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1 Marine SGT. vs. 30 NYPD Cops (Marine Wins)

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United States Marine Corps. Sgt. Shamar Thomas from Roosevelt, NY went toe to toe with the New York Police Department. An activist in the Occupy Wall Street movement, Thomas voiced his opinions of the NYPD police brutality that had and has been plaguing the #OWS movement.
Thomas is a 24-year-old Marine Veteran (2 tours in Iraq), he currently plays amateur football and is in college.
Thomas comes from a long line of people who sacrifice for their country: Mother, Army Veteran (Iraq), Step father, Army, active duty (Afghanistan), Grand father, Air Force veteran (Vietnam), Great Grand Father Navy veteran (World War II).
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Marine Combat Veteran vs. The Cowardly NYPD over Their Police Brutality
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US Military veteran (Sgt Shamar Thomas, USMC) rants at NYPD over their brutality and reprehensible tactics, including kettling, during the Times Square protest organized by Occupy Wall Street.
All of our veterans are heroes... Veterans like Sgt Thomas, in this video, truly represent the home of the brave. Hopefully, the ranks will swell, with more brave veterans who're willing to continue standing-up/fighting for our freedom... only this time, where it counts the most, on the streets of America.
Thanks to for the video and info about SGT. Shamar Thomas. Semper Fi Marine!