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Now the protest spreads across the Atlantic: Thousands plan camp in London's financial centre inspired by 'Occupy Wall Street' campaign

Stephanie Darrall

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Hundreds of anti-Wall Street protesters marched on the Chase Bank headquarters in New York yesterday waving placards and chanting slogans attacking corporate greed and social inequality.

The march came a day after members of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, which has been camping in a square in Manhattan’s financial district for more than three weeks, protested outside the homes of billionaires including Rupert Murdoch and banker Jamie Dimon.

There have been more than 100 spin-off protests in U.S. cities including Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle, and UK supporters plan a similar march near the London Stock Exchange on Saturday.

Mass protest: Occupy Wall Street members again campaign in New York's financial district, scenes that could soon happen in London

Mass protest: Occupy Wall Street members again campaign in New York's financial district, scenes that could soon happen in London


Anger: Hundreds of activists gathered a month ago in Manhattan and are still there, sparking a movement that is now spreading across the Atlantic

Anger: Hundreds of activists gathered a month ago in Manhattan and are still there, sparking a movement that is now spreading across the Atlantic


UK protesters have been inspired by the growing 'Occupy Wall Street' movement in the U.S and are planning to establish a tent city in London's financial district this weekend

A Facebook page titled 'Occupy London's Stock Exchange' has already amassed more than 3,000 members who have agreed to attend the event on October 15 while 'Occupy London' on Twitter has in excess of 1,000 followers.

The group, who were behind a protest that saw Westminster Bridge closed on Monday posted on the social networking site that they are 'part of a global popular movement'.

One post under the name 'Occupy The London Stock Exchange' said: 'Hundreds attended the General Assembly and we are growing stronger every day!

'We remained unified and respected each others opinions. We are part of a global popular movement and not supportive to one ideology or faction, we are the 99%.

'Only the General assemblies and occupations themselves truly speak for the movement.

Followers: Facebook page 'Occupy London's Stock Exchange' has already amassed over 3,000 people who have agreed to attend the event while 'Occupy London' on Twitter has over 1,000 followers

Followers: Facebook page 'Occupy London's Stock Exchange' has already amassed over 3,000 people who have agreed to attend the event while 'Occupy London' on Twitter has over 1,000 followers



Occupy London: The movement called for others to join the protest on October 15 at the hearty of the city's financial district

Occupy London: The movement called for others to join the protest on October 15 at the hearty of the city's financial district

'Please attend the General Assemblies, become involved in the Occupations have your say and combine your voice with millions - this is a global issue and must be fought in unity!'

According to the website occupations are also being planned in other areas of the country, including Worcester, Nottingham, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Bristol.

Kai Wargalla who co-created the Occupy London Facebook group told NBC: 'The Wall Street protests sort of inspired everything.

'It was just time to start here. We need people to step up and speak out.

'The movement aims to unite the United Kingdom’s far-flung activist communities in addressing 'the inequality of the financial system,'

More to come: Protesters flocked to Westminster Bridge where they demonstrated against cuts to the National Health Service in Britain

More to come: Protesters flocked to Westminster Bridge where they demonstrated against cuts to the National Health Service in Britain


Occupy Wall Street: Having started in New York, Occupy Wall Streets demonstrations are now taking place all across the United States, as protesters speak out against corporate greed and the gap between the rich and the poor

Occupy Wall Street: Having started in New York, Occupy Wall Street's demonstrations are now taking place all across the United States, as protesters speak out against corporate greed and the gap between the rich and the poor

Those behind the movement used their website to call for protesters to take part in a 'day of action'.

It said: 'The problems we face in the UK echoes across the world. We are linked by the same root causes, so we cannot solve these problems in isolation.

'October 15th will be a global day of action calling for global change'


These people have the monkey see monkey do mentality.

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Destructive criticism is easy so I expect this latest round of protests will amount to little more than the usual run of losers, who just love that wine made with sour grapes. In the absence of any viable alternative proposal being put forward i.e. constructive criticism, one must assume that it would not be enough for the rich to be made poor unless the protestors become the nouveau riche. The only thing Communism, Imperialism and Capitalism have in common is that none of them has all the answers, like good times and bad times neither lasts for ever, as we are now experiencing.

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Irresponsible fools are going to start the London Riots Part 2 and as usual only the innocent people will suffer while these privileged clowns and their reprobate cohorts tear the city apart.

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Read Cloward & Piven....those behind these events have.

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