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Why are you participating in Occupy San Diego?

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I went down to the Occupy San Diego camp out at the Martin Luther King Promenade in downtown San Diego yesterday afternoon.  I brought the double-sided sign I made, and took some brief videos of people I ran into asking them why they were there participating.  I will be back down there later on this afternoon, and will have more video and photos coming soon.  Stay tuned.

You could literally see the cognitive dissonance expressed on the faces of many people at Occupy San Diego when they saw my "Israel Behind 9/11" sign.  It's about time people were exposed to these issues in an major way.  :)


San Diego Assistance Chief of Police Boyd Long was downtown Saturday afternoon, so I stopped to ask him a few questions regarding Occupy San Diego.  City Beat also had a great interview with Assistant Chief Long the other day, too.  



Oct. 9, 2011