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Last Chance to Stand with Gibson Guitar

Grassfire Nation Update

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Within hours from now, Grassfire Nation will shut-off our "I

Stand With Gibson" petition and begin final preparations for

delivery and presentation during Saturday's rally in Nashville.

If you have seen our earlier alerts, you know that Gibson Guitars

has come under intense fire over a questionable exotic wood

shipment -- a shipment that cleared U.S. customs and Indian


What you also may know is that this is less about the wood,

and more about President Obama's assault on private business

and his arrogant misuse of power!

"What this is about is selective enforcement, excessive

enforcement," said Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). "It's about

lack of clarity, confusion and uncertainty pertaining

to the law."

This being the case, Grassfire Nation is giving freedom-loving

Americans from across the nation one last opportunity to sound

off against this form of government intrusion by signing our

"I Stand With Gibson" petition in time for the Saturday rally.

Click here now to answer back to Obama's job-killing actions:

+ + Help Shatter Grassfire's 50,000 Petition Goal

As we draw near to our petition deadline, we are literally

a few thousand petitions shy of reaching our 50,000

petition goal.

Even if you missed our earlier updates,

you can still take action and stand with tens of thousands

of Americans in support of Gibson Guitars during the rally

in Nashville.

Click here now to be included:


After signing, alert your friends.

Tell them about how the guitar builder is being singled out

and bullied by an Obama administration!


      Let them know that the Department of Justice

      still has yet to file any charges; and in fact, have

      downgraded their demands to requesting a meeting with

      Gibson executives.

      Make sure they understand that the DOJ raids on Gibson

      have effectively shut them down -- costing the company

      an estimated $2-3 million.

The rally on Saturday, Oct. 8 in Nashville is an opportunity

for freedom loving Americans to publicly oppose Obama's

overreaching and over regulation of private business.

Have your friends sign Grassfire Nation's "I Support Gibson"

petition now so they too can have a voice at this rally.

Click here to sign:

Again, we have only hours to maximize the impact of our

petition. So be sure to sign and then alert your friends

to follow your lead.

As always, thank you for turning to Grassfire Nation.

Grassfire Nation

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real

impact on the key issues of our day. 

Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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