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Occupy Wall Street

Gregg Ross, Democracy for America

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The Occupy Wall Street protest is a watershed moment.

For weeks, protesters have been camped out in Liberty Square near Wall Street.

They are marching during the day and sleeping on the street at night, facing arrest and police violence. They are gaining media attention, inspiring thousands more to join them every day in New York and in cities across the country -- and they are giving a voice to the American working class that has been attacked by big corporations and their allies in Congress.

The Occupy Wall Street protesters are standing up for us -- because of that, thousands of people across the country have joined together to send them food to keep them going.

These donations have worked. They've kept the occupation strong. But it's October in New York City and getting colder each day.

Protesters are now in immediate need of 200 sleeping bags to keep warm and keep the occupation going.

Donate $20 here to buy a sleeping bag to keep the occupation going in the cold.

Working together, we can build a movement to take back our country from corporate greed.

In solidarity,

- Gregg

Gregg Ross, Political Campaign Manager

Democracy for America

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Oct. 5, 2011