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Here We Go – 200,000 Member Transport Workers Union Votes To Support Occupy Wall Street

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The Massive Nationwide Transport Workers Union with over 200,000 members in 22 states has voted tonight to support the Occupy Wall Street Protests.
TWU union votes to support occupy wall street

Yesterday, I reported on United Union Pilots marching on Wall Street in full uniform.

United Pilots Protest Wall St. In Uniform

United Union Pilots Protest Wall Street In Uniform

Reports from Twitter say United Pilots joined in the protests against wall street today choosing to march against their corporate overlords in full uniform.

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Now comes news yesterday’s march was no fluke.

This tweet just came across my radar from @NewYorkist

Transport Workers Union Votes To Support Occupy Wall StreetTransport Workers Union Votes To Support Occupy Wall Street

To make sure this was legit, I looked for confirmation online.

Lisa Lockwood over at the Daily Kos reports to have called the union and verified.

Sept. 30, 2011