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What Obama is doing is morally reprehensible

Penny Nance Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee

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Our friends at Concerned Women for America have a timely

and important message regarding the stepped up attacks

against our culture and our families. Please see details

and action items below.


Your friends at Grassroots Action


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From the Desk of:

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer and President

Concerned Women for America



Today, Concerned Women for America is hand-delivering more

than 40,000 petitions and personal comments to the Department

of Health and Human Services from citizens opposing the

new ObamaCare abortion mandate.


That President Obama would move to force you and me to pay

for and promote birth-control, sterilization and early term

"Morning After" abortions is morally reprehensible! That's

why I'm thrilled that we rallied over 40,000 citizens to

take action.


But the fact is, not a week passes without you and me being

faced with yet another anti-family, anti-life, statist power

grab from this administration. In fact, I would offer to

you that we have never seen such hostility against families

as what is coming from the Obama team on what seems like a

daily basis.


That's why I'm coming to you with a special

request today.


With so much for us yet to do, we must finish this month

on a strong financial note so we can respond decisively

against threats to our family, the unborn and our culture.

Specifically, I need thousands of members of our grassroots

team to step forward right now and help.


Can I count on you to make a tax-deductible gift this month

to help CWA continue leading the charge against efforts to

undermine and radicalize our faith and family values?


Your gift of $20, $30, $50, $100 -- whatever you can

give -- will provide a real financial lift and help ensure

that the mission of CWA to protect our families and equip

conservative women can keep pace with the anti-family,

statist assault.


Please go here to help:


Here are just a few ways your financial support will help

CWA in the next 30 days...


--I must keep my team fully engaged in the ObamaCare

  abortion mandate debate. This is absolutely

  critical and demands our full attention on behalf

  of the hundreds of thousands of CWA team members

  across the country.


--We just learned that Congress is beginning an

  investigation into Planned Parenthood funding.

  This could be one of the most important hearings

  we have seen in years and I want to make sure

  CWA experts and analysts are doing everything

  in our power to expose Planned Parenthood's lies.


--The 2012 election race is heating up and we must

  provide conservative women with information and

  resources while making sure these candidates

  truly understand the pulse of concerned women

  across this nation.


--We must increase our grassroots team by the

  thousands and then tens of thousands so we can

  inform and equip the most vibrant network of

  conservative women in the nation.


Your tax-deductible gift today will help us move these

important initiatives forward as well as so many other

efforts that are putting our families first.


Will you help?


Please prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift

to Concerned Women for America today. Click below to help:


I know these are tough times for many families. But the

price of not taking action today to stare down these statist

threats is too high. If you and I don't stand in the gap

for this nation, then who will?


Thank you in advance for your help. May God bless you.


Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer and President


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To contact Grassroots Action with comments, questions or to

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that

provides news, information and grassroots action services and

strategies to individuals and organizations.


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+ + Comments? Questions?

Sept. 30, 2011