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Deadline for Action Against Obama's Abortion Mandate Approaching

Grassroots Action - Penny Nance Chief Executive Officer

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This week, Concerned Women for America will be hand-delivering

petitions along with personal comments to the Department of

Health and Human Services (HHS) offices opposing President

Obama's abortion mandate and demanding it be removed from


This is an unprecedented opportunity for women and men who

are morally opposed to paying for and supporting "preventive

services" that include contraceptives and forced sterilization

practices to personally express their outrage at a critical

time when final decisions have yet to be made. Don't delay,

click below to sign their petition and leave your comments

for delivery next week!

--Grassroots Action


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From the Desk of:

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer and President

Concerned Women for America


This week, Concerned Women for America will be hand-delivering

petitions and personal comments directly to the Department

of Health and Human Services (HHS) offices opposing President

Obama's abortion mandate that is forcing you and me to pay

for and promote birth-control, sterilization and early-term

"Morning After" abortions and services we find morally


Public outcry against Obama's violating our personal and

religious rights has been steadily building since the

launch of our petition, and it has exploded since HHS has

asked for personal comments!

But the deadline for these comments is September 30, meaning

we have just a few more days to maximize our impact.

Please take a moment right now to respond strongly

to what amounts to an attack against the unborn and our

religious freedom. Concerned Women for America would be

honored to represent you when we march tens of thousands

of petitions and personal comments to the HHS Secretary

later this week!

Click here to sign our petition and leave your personal


          I am sickened that our government considers pregnancy

          on par with diabetes, cervical cancer and AIDS. Under

          Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,

          pregnancy is considered a "preventable health problem."


          Our leaders need to be reminded that pregnancy is

          neither a health problem nor a disease!


          Patrick, I'm counting on you being part of the chorus

          of taxpayers who are standing up for the unborn and

          against this moral violation by Obama!

Please click here now so that CWA can represent you on Capitol


This is a very important petition and comment delivery to the

HHS because final decisions have yet to be made, meaning we

have an unprecedented opportunity to protect our moral and

religious rights as well as the unborn through our actions

right now!

+ + Forward this message to 25-30 friends today!

After signing, forward this alert to your friends urging them

to sign today to ensure that they are included in our hand-

delivery next week. Remember the HHS deadline for public

comments is September 30, and CWA representatives will be

marching into their offices before that deadline!

Have your friends Click here now to sign our petition and

leave their personal comments, and give CWA the honor of

hand-delivering your petition and your personal comments:

Thank you in advance for the honor of representing you. May

God bless you.

Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer and President

P.S. Deadline for public comments is September 30, so don't

delay. Help Concerned Women for America make a powerful

statement by signing our petition and adding your personal

comments and alerting your friends to sign our petition opposing

Obama's abortion mandate:

Please also share our effort on Facebook and Twitter!

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that

provides news, information and grassroots action services and

strategies to individuals and organizations.