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Media Arrested at Wall Street Protest!

Mark Adams

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Marissa Homes Arrested for Filming Arrests by Public Domain Image from YouTube

Originally posted on the Daily Censored at this link, but updated with new information.

Current reports indicate that up to 100 arrests have been made at the Wall Street protest.  Those arrested are reported to include members of the media team posting the live video on Livestream. See the live video feed of the peaceful ongoing occupation of Wall Street at this link.

Marissa Holmes, a member of the team posting video on the live feed on Livestream, shown in the photo above, was arrested for filming arrests.  Here is a short video of that plus a report on the various reasons for the protests.

Most of the police have not been interfering with the protesters, and many have expressed support for the protesters' concerns.  However, the media team has reported that a team of police destroyed cameras and laptops being used to broadcast the protest, and it has reported that some police have indicated that they may order the protesters to clear the square after dark or face arrest.  Apparently, those statements were made after the mass of arrests in order to intimidate the protesters and to try to break up the protests.     

Sources report similar protests are occurring in cities across the United States including Los Angeles and Chicago and the rest of the world. Naturally, the "news" media cartel is continuing to do its best to cover up the protests and the banksters' crimes.

The banksters have committed fraud in loan origination, securitization, servicing, and foreclosure to steal the homes of millions of Americans. See this report by Florida's Attorney General.

Unfortunately, the banksters' looting spree is not over. They are in the process of stealing millions more Americans' homes right now. See how widespread the banksters' looting spree really is at this link.

By the way, the banksters' minions in government are paying the banksters to foreclose. See this report and this report.

Don't think that the banksters will not try to steal your home, too. They have even tried to foreclose on homes with no mortgages. See this report by the Daily Show and subscribe to this news outlet for the latest foreclosure news.

Get out and protest the banksters' looting spree before they steal your home, your life savings, and impoverish us all. Remember, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem, so do something to help.  Even little things can help such as emailing the link to this article to your contacts, calling your local TV news departments and asking them why they aren't covering the protests, calling your government representatives and asking them why they are doing nothing while banks are breaking the law to steal homes, organizing or attending a protest in your city, or donating to the protesters in New York. 

If you want to know how the banksters get away with their crimes, see Why Does the Government Ignore Our Wishes? and don't miss my short speech. If you take a look, you'll learn why those in government and those who can illegally influence them get away with violating our rights, abusing their power, and committing horrible crimes. My article on torture includes a link to the U.S. Supreme Court case which explains how one of our stolen rights makes the difference between justice and injustice, between freedom and slavery.

- Mark A. Adams JD/MBA

Notice: You may copy and post this article on other web sites if you include a link to the original article.

Author's Bio: I am active in the election, judicial and media reform movements. I obtained the first injunctions getting a third party candidate into debates, and I have handled more Congressional election contests than any other attorney. I practiced law in the banana republic of Florida. In 2006, I represented Max Linn, the Reform Party candidate for Governor of Florida, in successful lawsuits brought against the media to require his inclusion in the Gubernatorial debates. I also represented John Russell, Clint Curtis, Frank Gonzalez, and others in contesting the official results of the 2006 elections in Florida state court and before the U.S. House of Representatives. See my articles for information about the cover-up of these contests and the evidence which we obtained showing that the votes were not counted accurately. Naturally, the powers that be were not happy, so I was hurriedly disbarred without due process and in violation of my rights under color of law. For more on that, see "Justice" in Florida's Supreme Court!?! at and don't miss the links below the video. I earned my BA in business administration with a major in finance and a minor in economics at the University of South Florida. I earned my law degree and my MBA at the University of Florida where I also worked as a teaching assistant in the Economics Department. Unfortunately, an education doesn't mean much in a third world country. For more on that, see my speech titled "No Justice, No Peace, No Prosperity" given at the National Judicial Reform Conference at Rice University at I have been involved in the judicial reform movement since 2003, the media reform movement since 2004, and the election reform movement since 2006. Before those years, I believed that judges followed the law, that our media told us the truth, and that our votes were counted. Beliefs that most of us once held and that many still hold on to. Unfortunately, I learned that these beliefs were no longer true. However, I believe that we can counteract the forces which have destroyed these institutions if we face reality and take action before it is too late. Please remember that the American dream will die and our children will suffer if the people do not know what their government leaders are doing, if the people are not able to vote ineffective or corrupt leaders out of office, or if government actors can ignore the law and the facts with no repercussions! For more info, see and to contact me, see Mark A. Adams JD/MBA

Sept. 25, 2011