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Grassfire Nation delivers your petition. Is it enough?

Grassfire Nation Update

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Today Grassfire Nation is delivering the decisive results of

our nationwide poll on President Obama's jobs proposal to

leadership in the Senate and House - and to President Obama.


      In an explosive turnout, Grassfire Nation respondents

      are overwhelmingly opposed to President Obama's new

      $450 billion Stimulus program and its tax increases.


++ Americans are demanding jobs -- not socialism!


We cannot allow this spendthrift leftist elite president and

his misguided Congressional cronies to continue killing

American businesses, stifle the job market and drive our

nation's economy into the death valley of debt.


The federal government cannot create jobs. We know that. What

Americans want is for the ever-growing government to get out

of our way and let American businesses create jobs.


Obama's deficit-laden and tax-raising plan, complete with fake

tax cuts is the WRONG approach. His prior stimulus packages

have already proved to be monumental failures. 


      That's why we are asking you to take one more step

      in telling Congress to make sure that President

      Obama's jobs package never comes to fruition. 


In addition to delivering your petition to elected

leadership on Capitol Hill, Grassfire Nation is making it

possible for you to have a personal message concerning the

new Obama Stimulus sent directly to your two South Dakota

Senators and your Representative -- as well as other key

members of Congress.


Simply click here:


Our legislators need to be told in no uncertain terms that

the American public roundly opposes Obama's jobs plan!


Don't delay. Increase your personal action today by clicking

here now:


Thank you for allowing us to represent you on Capitol Hill.


Your friends at Grassfire Nation


+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real

impact on the key issues of our day. 

Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.


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