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Israeli ambassador flees Jordan

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Protesters burn US and Israeli flags during a demonstration in the Jordanian capital of Amman, September 14, 2011.
The Israeli ambassador to Jordan has reportedly fled the Jordanian capital of Amman amid fears of massive anti-Israel demonstrations near its embassy over the weekend.

According to Israeli media outlets, Danny Navon and his staff have left Jordan for Israel, AFP reported on Thursday.

No other details have been published about the reported event.

Activists in Jordan have called for a “million-man march” against the Israeli mission in Amman on Thursday. The demonstration is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. local time (1530 GMT) near the embassy.

The development comes following last Friday's massive anti-Israeli protests in Cairo, where Egyptian protesters stormed the Israeli embassy in the capital city, destroying parts of a concrete barricade wall around the building in the process.

The Israeli ambassador to Egypt, Yitzhak Levanon, fled the capital a few hours after the incident.

Three people were killed and many others injured in overnight clashes with the police outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo.

According to the Israeli daily Jerusalem Post, the mass rally in Jordan has been posted on the social networking website Facebook under the banner “No Zionist embassy on Jordanian territory.”

Jordanian protesters gathered outside the US Embassy in Amman on Wednesday, burning Israeli and American flags and demanding an end to relations with Tel Aviv and Washington.

The US has served as the closest ally of the Israeli regime, facilitating as well as justifying the majority of its grave violations against Palestinian territories and its neighboring Arab states.