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The truth about Obama's $1.5 Trillion in new taxes

Grassfire Nation Update

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President Obama just today announced his deficit reduction

plan which includes a reported $1.5 TRILLION in new taxes

to go along with hundreds of billions in new government


And now Obama is pressuring the Super Committee to

implement his spend and tax agenda.

We predicted almost immediately after the

Debt Deal Super Committee was formed that this new

Committee would face enormous pressure to propose

massive tax increases Now, it's official...

            The Left is DOUBLING-DOWN on their Big

            Government Tax and Stimulus plan and they

            are going to use the 12-member Super Committee

            to ram this through Congress!

To make matters worse, the President is now pledging to

veto anything coming out of the Super Committee that does

not include tax increases!

That means...

#1 -- The deck is stacked. Tax increases are coming!

#2 -- Unless you are one of the "lucky" citizens who is

actually represented on the Super Committee, you will not

have a voice in this massive Obama tax and spending


+ + + Take Action Now

Tomorrow, Grassfire Nation will begin delivering the results

of our Stimulus Survey to key members of Congress. The results

were overwhelming -- with 97% of 65,000 participants saying

they oppose the new Obama Stimulus.

Now, it's time for citizens to let their voices be heard

directly to members of Congress.

If you want to let your two Senators, their Representative

and the 12 members of the Super Committee know where you

stand, take a moment right now to utilize our FAXFIRE service.

This is one of the best ways to get your message directly to

members of Congress. Go here to schedule your faxes:


Be sure to call your two Senators and your Representative

and let them know what you think.

Sen. Johnson 202-224-5842

Sen. Thune 202-224-2321

Rep. Noem 202-225-2801

Let's be clear... The system is being politically rigged

to force a massive tax and spending increase on us. We

cannot wait until the next election to take a stand. We

must stand now.


Send your faxes today:

Grassfire Nation

P.S. The White House and Congress will be watching very closely

over the next 48 hours to measure citizen response to the

President's major tax announcement. If you want a voice in

this debate, take action now by sending faxes:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real

impact on the key issues of our day. 

Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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