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Obama Stimulus includes tax increases

Grassfire Nation Update

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The White House released the printed version of President

Obama's new $450 billion Stimulus program (all 196 pages)

and as expected it includes tax increases.

So, in addition to hundreds of billions of dollars in new

government spending, President Obama is now proposing to

raise taxes.

+ + QUICK POLL on Obama Stimulus

Days ago, Grassfire Nation launched a "Quick Poll" on the

new Obama Stimulus. Already, more than 50,000 citizens

have responded. Grassfire is preparing to deliver the

results to President Obama and Congress EARLY NEXT WEEK.

The poll very simply asks: "Do you SUPPORT or OPPOSE the

new Obama Stimulus plan?"

If you want your voice to be included in the Quick Poll

results that will be delivered next week, go here

to register whether you SUPPORT or OPPOSE this new Obama

stimulus plan:

Also, we have included a link to the entire 196-page Obama

Stimulus plan so you can download and see for yourself what

the President is proposing. Go here to access that link:

Public response in the next two weeks will likely decide

the outcome of this latest debate on the size and scope of

government. Thank you for letting your voice be heard.

Grassfire Nation

+ + +


+ + +

Go here to register whether you SUPPORT or OPPOSE the new

Obama stimulus plan that includes $200 billion in new

deficit-funded government spending:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real

impact on the key issues of our day. 

Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

+ + Comments? Questions?


+ +

Technical questions only:  For technical questions regarding

this email, go here:  (Not for comments/feedback on this update)

+ + + + +

Sept. 15, 2011