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Pass this Bill - NEVER !

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Last Thursday, President Obama announced the creation

      of his so-called "jobs bill" called The American Jobs

      Act of 2011.  Since then, in his public statements,

      the President has called on Congress to "Pass this

      Bill Now" over 100 times!  We are rallying tens of

      thousands of Liberty Counsel Action team members to

      counteract this bullying and to tell Congress, "Pass

      this Bill - Never!"  Please take a moment to read my

      urgent message below - Mat.              

What has changed since the abysmal failure of President Obama's

first two stimulus packages - spending over a trillion dollars

and plunging America into almost $15 trillion dollars in debt? 

      The answer is - much has changed, but not for the better!

In an insightful article published by "American Thinker"

author Chad Stafko reveals some very disturbing statistics:

      "In less than 1,000 days as chief executive of the

      United States, President Obama's failed policies and

      initiatives have resulted in a dizzying array of

      dismal economic statistics...

      Government dependence, which is defined as the percentage

      of persons receiving one or more federal benefit payments,

      is at a staggering 47%, its highest level in American

      history, while 21 million households are relian on

      food stamps.  In fact, government spending on food

      stamps in 2010 ($68 billion) was double what it was

      in 2007, with the 2011 figure likely to be even higher.

      According to the August employment report from the

      Department of Labor, the nation's unemployment rate

      remained at 9.1% with a total of zero jobs added to

      the economy during the month. Those are the official

      unemployment rates.  The real unemployment rate, as it

      is sometimes referred to, rose to a seasonally adjusted

      16.2% in August.

      These woeful economic figures have come during a time in

      which we have experienced the most government involvement

      in the economy since the days of FDR and government

      spending without parallel in our nation's history.

      Now, President Obama has said he wants to spend hundreds

      of billions of dollars more to stimulate the economy. 

      The American people can't take much more."

++No thinking American can endorse Obama's "jobs bill." 

Mr. President, we have already seen you spend, and spend, and

spend...and plummet our country into insurmountable debt without

ANY verifiable economic or jobs recovery.

That's why Liberty Counsel Action is calling on every concerned

American to sign our "Pass this Bill - Never!" petition to

Congress. We are also calling for a step in the right direction

to reign in government spending, exercise fiscal restraint,

and create more accountability! 

I believe this petition will rally many tens of thousands of

concerned citizens who are fed up with the state of the

American economy...while incompetent (and one has to wonder

if they're not willfully destructive) leaders and presidential

appointees steer this country closer to a colossal financial

meltdown with yet another $447 billion stimulus plan! 

 I urge you to join us in telling Congress,

"Pass this Bill - Never!" 

Click here to read and sign the petition:

In less than three years, President Obama, his leftist

administration, and collaborators in Congress have turned

our nation from an economic "super power" with an AAA credit

rating into a socialist state with a rapidly declining

middle class.

That is not an overstatement!

Remember the "shovel ready" jobs that the earlier stimulus

was intended to fund?  Then you probably also remember that

the President later smirked about that phrase and recanted

in an economic forum, saying, "Shovel-ready was not as...uh...

shovel-ready as we expected."

Do you recall that the $787 billion "Stimulus One" was partially

earmarked for repairs to bridges, roads, and infrastructure?

President Obama has said repeatedly his latest jobs bill

is needed for bridges, roads and infrastructure!  Does he

actually think we can't remember what he said just two

years ago?

The plain fact is, this bill does nothing to address the 

major obstacle to American employment - government

bureaucracy, regulation, and intrusion in the private sector.

In fact, according to the Heritage Foundation, 75 major

new regulations that have cost U.S. businesses more than

40 billion dollars have been passed since Barack Obama

first took office!  

President Obama's plan does nothing to prevent jobs from

going overseas into cheaper labor markets...

It does nothing to address unfair trade practices, which

hamper American business from competing in global markets... 

And it does nothing to address the mountains of regulations

imposed by overzealous government agencies that are

killing American business!

++NOW is the time to stand for REAL change!

Right now, fiscal conservatives in Congress are in position

to bring about economic policy changes with lasting effects.

Liberty Counsel Action believes that rejecting Obama's

latest jobs/stimulus plan is putting another crucial

piece of the fiscal restraint puzzle into place. 

We want to deliver tens and tens of thousands of these

petitions to our elected officials in Congress as soon

as possible.  In fact, I believe we can assemble 50,000

signed petitions within the next week if you and other

concerned Americans will forward this message to as many

of your like-minded friends as possible!

Click here now to read and sign the "Pass this Bill - Never!"

petition that will be sent to Congress on behalf of tens

of thousands of Americans:


We MUST continue to be a strong voice for fiscal conservatism

and stop Congress and the President from turning this ill-

advised stimulus package into yet another liberal fiscal


Please help put America on sound financial footing so that

our children and grandchildren can enjoy the liberty our

forefathers fought, bled, and died to provide to their



God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. There is no doubt that President Obama has brought

economic "change" to our nation.  But after two and a half

years of out-of-control spending, we all now realize that

it has been a horribly undesirable kind of change!  The

fiscal insanity of his proposed American Jobs Act of 2011

must be stopped!  Click here to sign the "Pass this

Bill - Never!" petition:

+ + Comments? Questions?

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not tax deductible. For full notice including notices for

individual states, go here.