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Grassfire Nation Update

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Grassfire Nation Update

The Congress of the United States has just given over it's

constitutionally-mandated authority to a Super-Committee

that will operate as its own mini-Congress.

At least that's what the media are saying!

Reuters..."[The Super Committee] will meet independently

from Congress, set its own rules" and will set off a "Holy

War" among D.C. lobbyists.

LA Times: The Super Committee "has been given enormous

power to recommend at least $1.5 trillion in deficit


As we have said, the Super Committee is at best a legislative

mockery and at worst unconstitutional. That's why we are

delivering petitions next week to House and Senate

leaders as well as the co-chairs of the Super Committee.

This Super Committee is a cop-out by Congress that empowers

a select few members and shields the rest of Congress from

the political ramifications of runaway government spending.

            Petition deliveries begin next week. To be

            included we must hear from you soon. Go here

            to sign:

Grassfire Nation



LA Times

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