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Action Alert: Help Save Cloud's Herd!

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From: The Cloud Foundation


Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 8:50 AM
Subject: Action Alert: Help Save Cloud's Herd!
Help Protect Cloud and his Herd

Submit a response letter to BLM scoping notice

Dear Friends of Cloud, his family, and herd;

The time is rapidly drawing to a close for you to be submit your letter to help prevent another removal in Cloud's herd in 2012. I know you all care deeply for Cloud and his family, just as I do, and it is of vital importance that we all stand together to help the Pryor herd. It is therefore of the upmost importance that you submit a letter in your own writing to the BLM Billings Field Office postmarked by August 30th. 

Lynx, in Cloud's band, could be removed next year as a yearling. 


We've written our letter, which you can read here. I encourage you to take a look at it, and use it to help you with your own letter if you haven't written yours already. You can also read over some talking points to help you get started. A reminder that BLM is not accepting emailed comments (we crashed their server last time!), so you can mail them yourself to the address below or you can email them to us and we will mail them for you. You can also Fax your comments to (406) 896-5281. Although we are all frustrated that this unique little herd is continually being threatened, please remember to be polite. 

I hope you will all take a moment to help Cloud and the Pryor herd. Thanks so much! 

Happy Trails!


You can mail your letters to:
Jim Sparks, Field Manager
BLM Billings Field Office
5001 Southgate Drive
Billings, MT 59101