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Obama Imposes New Entitlement

Grassroots Action - Penny Nance Chief Executive Officer

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Please see below for a disturbing report on how the Obama

administration is imposing a massive new entitlement that

includes fully-funded "sterilization" and "Morning After"


Grassroots Action

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From the Desk of:

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer and President

Concerned Women for America

As I alerted you a few days ago, President Obama has just

imposed what syndicated columnist Deroy Murdock calls a

"brand-new entitlement" through the ObamaCare law that

will force every American to subsidize birth control

including the "Morning After" abortion pill.

Through the Health and Human Services Department (HHS),

he slipped his ObamaCare birth control/abortion mandate

in place at the very height of the debt and spending

debate -- confident that the story would be buried by

just about every news organization across the land!

This new abortion mandate creates a government entitlement

to birth control, "sterilization" procedures and the

"Morning After" abortion pill to every woman in America --

with no co-pay, 100% funded by insurance providers through


What business does the government have in creating an

ObamaCare mandate to promote birth control, sterilization

and early-term "Morning After" abortions? This new

entitlement represents a gross expansion of government

into our private lives and a moral violation of the

highest order!

+ + Take A Stand Against The ObamaCare Abortion Mandate

Just days ago, we launched a nationwide petition opposing

this new ObamaCare birth control/abortion mandate.

Already, thousands have responded. But we must rally

tens of thousands before Congress reconvenes after

Labor Day so we can expose this administration's radical

agenda to force us to pay for birth control and

"Morning After" abortions through ObamaCare.

Please take a moment right now to sign our petition telling

the Obama Administration, Congress and the HHS that you

oppose the ObamaCare abortion mandate on moral, practical

and ideological grounds.

+ + ObamaCare is "AbortionCare"

At the height of the ObamaCare debate, a group of supposedly

pro-life Democrats provided the crucial swing votes only

after allegedly receiving promises from Obama that mandated

abortion funding would not be in the bill. It was all a

ruse to pass ObamaCare.

         As it stands right now, every American will be

         forced to participate in fully mandated funding

         of birth control and abortifacients like the

         morning after pill as part of "preventive services"

         healthcare under ObamaCare.

In addition, the Heritage Foundation reports that

through a "novel accounting technique," ObamaCare

is "providing massive tax subsidies for health

insurance plans that cover elective abortions."

         These moves clearly violate Obama's stated words

         during the ObamaCare debate and impose a taxpayer-

         funded abortion mandate through the new healthcare


I am encouraged by our initial response, but we urgently

need thousands and then tens of thousands of concerned

women and likeminded men to stand together in opposition

to the ObamaCare abortion mandate. Please go here now to

sign the petition and then alert your friends by forwarding

this email or sharing this shocking development on Facebook.

Thank you so much for your faithfulness and your partnership

with us. May God bless you.

Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer and President

Today's Action:

Sign CWA's Petition Opposing The New Abortion Mandate


CWA release opposing birth control/abortion mandate

Heritage Foundation report on ObamaCare abortion funding

Murdock: New Entitlement

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To contact Grassroots Action with comments, questions or to

change your status, see link at the end.)

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that

provides news, information and grassroots action services and

strategies to individuals and organizations.

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