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More Large Demos Held in Israel

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Tens of thousands of people have poured into the streets of several Israeli cities and towns to protest against the rising price of housing and other social inequalities.

More than 30,000 people staged a march in the northern city of Haifa on Saturday, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported on its website.

“We want there to be a welfare state here, and a welfare state is not just a slogan,” said Yossi Baruch, the representative for the largest tent city in Haifa.

“It means free education for every boy and girl, from the moment their mother finishes her maternity leave until they finish their doctorate. A welfare state is a place where its citizens receive fair wages,” he added.

In Be'er Sheva in southern Israel, over 20,000 demonstrators poured into the streets near the tent city.

About 15,000 people attended a demonstration in Afula, and smaller protests were held in Eilat, Rosh Pina, Nahariya, Dimona, Modi'in, Petah Tikva, Ramat Hasharon, Hod Hasharon, Netanya, Beit She'an and other towns across Israel.

Over the past month, Israelis have staged mass demonstrations against the government's poor handling of the economy, which has given rise to social inequalities.

More than 300,000 anti-government demonstrators turned out in Tel Aviv on August 6 in what has been described as the largest demonstration ever held to protest against the socioeconomic situation in Israel.

The protesters have demanded a new taxation system of lower indirect taxes and higher direct taxes, free education and childcare, and more investment in housing and public transport.

In addition, they have called for the resignation of hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

An opinion poll published by Israel's Channel 10 television late on Tuesday showed that an overwhelming 88 percent of the respondents supported the protest movement.

Aug. 13, 2011