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From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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Obama and Congress have passed the debt deal. And I've

got one thing to say:

      I REJECT!

I REJECT this backroom Dirty Debt Deal that followed the

exact same course as ObamaCare -- manufactured crisis,

secret meetings, media manipulation, midnight deal,

immediate vote (with no time to read the bill, debate,

discuss or mount grassroots opposition).

Without a doubt, if the House had waited the 72 hours

they PROMISED before voting, this Dirty Debt Deal would

have never passed. Polls now show that just 22% of likely

voters approve of this Dirty Deal. (See link at end

of message.)

This was all a sham. a show. including the August 2

"deadline" which by design coincided with Congress'

August recess schedule as well as Obama's big birthday

fundraisers this week.

So, in response...


To cement my formal rejection of their dirty deal, I just

arranged delivery of a new set of "Pre-Declined" credit

cards to my two senators, my Rep and other key members

of Congress.

I invite you to do the same.

My staff tells me that we have inventory for just a few

hundred citizens to send Pre-Declined cards in the next

shipment which begins next Monday.

I asked my team to cut the costs on these cards, so now

you can have the cards hand-delivered to your two Senators

and your Rep -- and get samples of all four Pre Declined

cards mailed to you -- for just $9.

      Please go here to tell Congress that you REJECT their

      DIRTY DEBT DEAL and send them what they have earned --

      a strong notice telling them that no matter what they

      do, they are PRE-DECLINED!

In the coming days, we'll be connecting you with even more

ways to tell them that you REJECT their dirty dealings.

But right now, send them their Pre-Declined cards.

And most importantly, stand tall. Our Patriot movement is

the best hope for this nation. The ideals we stand for --

liberty and limited government -- will prevail. must prevail.


P.S. Again, we dropped the cost of the Pre-Declined notices

to Congress to just $9. That's for THREE hand-delivered

packages complete with Pre-Declined cards -- plus you get 4

samples mailed to you that you can share with friends or take

to a Town Hall this month and hand personally to your member

of Congress! Please take a few moments to send Congress your

FORMAL rejection of their Dirty Debt Deal and tell them

they are Pre-Declined:

(The next shipment begins on Monday so I must hear from you

as soon as possible.)


Rasmussen: Just 22% support Dirty Debt Deal:

August 2 was a scam:

What to do now?

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real

impact on the key issues of our day. 

Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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