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We will not be mocked and marginalized!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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      Liberty Counsel Action's message on our nation's

      financial crisis has been clear and consistent. We

      will not be marginalized!  Arrogant elected officials

      MUST be forced to accept the fact that their very

      offices exist through "the consent of the governed!" 

      Read my urgent message below - Mat. 

The "Budget Control Act of 2011," was passed and signed

into law Tuesday by President Obama.  Before the ink was

dry, the political spin was spreading as fast as the liberal

media could possibly "report" it. 

      In the aftermath of August 2nd, here is the truth

      fiscal conservatives now face: This bill was yet

      another product of crisis management (a "crisis"

      that was most likely not legitimate in the first

      place) and it does absolutely nothing to reduce the

      federal deficit!

In fact, the $2.4 trillion in "cuts" are actually reductions

in future spending, which still allows Congress to act on

"baseline budgeting."  Since the "baseline" assumes ever-

increasing spending levels, the "cuts" in the so-called

"Budget Control Act of 2011" will in reality result in

another $7 trillion in automatic increases over the next


      So the real effect of this bill is to "increase our

      spending at a decreasing rate," and THAT fiscal

      delusion is somehow being heralded as "spending cuts!" 

Further, some of the proposed "savings" in the Congressional

Budget Office (CBO) scoring came from anticipating the end

of the Bush-era tax breaks.  Of course, Barack Obama, Harry

Reid, and other spendthrifts are vowing to end the Bush tax

cuts at the earliest possible opportunity in order to

effectively get the tax hikes they had to "give up" in order

to get the debt ceiling raised.

      If this all seems a bit confusing, that's because the

      negotiating parties all needed to obfuscate what no one

      could admit: We STILL haven't begun to address our

      outrageous, out-of-control spending and we are STILL

      kicking this disaster down the years to fall on    

      subsequent generations of Americans!

++Liberals are shedding crocodile tears over their "loss."

      Leftist voices are calling this a "conservative

      victory" only because they didn't get EVERYTHING

      they wanted, sulking like the spoiled lawmakers

      they've become after more than two years in a

      Democrat-controlled Congress patronizing the whims

      of a socialist President. 

Nancy Pelosi has already predicted that this raise in the

debt ceiling will last less than 18 months, which nonetheless

gets liberals past the 2012 election cycle.  

++ Liberty Counsel Action is holding our lawmakers accountable! 

In a letter to one of our Liberty Counsel Action team members,

Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA) wrote,

      "While today we feel the pain of past decisions, let us

      have the resolve to protect our nation's future from the

      deception that comes with the belief that the principles

      of economic reason apply to everyone but ourselves." 


Representative Forbes called for a "constitutional solution to

put an end to the spending-driven debt crisis and save our

children and grandchildren from a bankrupt future." As you may

know, Forbes supported the Cut, Cap and Balance initiative,

which passed in the House but was promptly killed in the Senate.

      Congratulations to Representative Forbes and the other

      lawmakers who saw through the smoke and mirrors of the

      "Budget Control Act of 2011."  And we join him in calling

      for passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment at the

      earliest possible time! 

      Soon, congressional votes on the key issues we are most

      concerned about will be reported in the inaugural Liberty

      Counsel Action Congressional Scorecard due to be released

      later this summer.

      For the record, Liberty Counsel Action is scoring any

      legislator's "yea" vote on the recently passed debt deal

      as a negative mark in our Scorecard.  Rest assured, we

      WILL hold the "crisis creators" accountable! 

We are growing quickly both in numbers and

impact, but Liberty Counsel Action needs your help to do all

that we have been commissioned to do. 

Please consider making a special financial gift to Liberty

Counsel Action today. Your gift of any amount will help us

further our God-given mission to advance pro-life, pro-faith,

and pro-freedom causes impacting our nation's culture.

Together, we will make a crucial difference in this nation!

Please click here to make a gift:

++Fiscally conservative Americans are growing in influence! 

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, only 22 percent of

Americans supported the "Budget Control Act of 2011" and

consider it to be a totally compromised bill.  Most doubt

it will actually cut spending (with which we wholeheartedly


Christian statesman Chuck Colson recently wrote this:


      ".the Pew Research Center released a survey on public

      attitudes towards the budget debate. Only two percent

      of the American people said they approved of the

      government's behavior. Let me repeat that, because

      you may think I misspoke. Only two percent of the

      American people approve of the government's behavior."

      "This is one of the most chilling statistics I've ever

      seen, because representative democracy only works at the

      consent of the governed."

++Liberty Counsel Action was founded to oppose this kind of


In America, "we the people" issue to lawmakers and government

executives OUR "consent of the governed!"  Advancing this core

tenet of Liberty is the very reason Liberty Counsel Action was

formed!  We came into being in order to be a force to be

reckoned with by leftist and radical groups that are trying

to destroy America's foundation of freedom.

      Together, we will impact the structure of legislation

      to come.

      Together, we will impact the thinking of legislators

      crafting these bills, laws, and budgets. 

      Together, we will impact the outcome of the 2012


++Liberty Counsel Action amplifies YOUR voice in the ongoing

  struggle to defend freedom!

Patrick, I believe that we are destined to be among

the most significant organizations impacting America's

culture and that we are already making a crucial difference

in this nation!

Over the final week of the debt ceiling debate, Liberty

Counsel Action team members flooded the Senate with over

50,000 faxes.  That's an average of 500 fax pages per office! 

Believe me when I say that your prayers and actions DID make

a difference. You heard from me and diverse media sources that

Tea Party and fiscal conservatives were overwhelming Capitol

Hill phones and Congressional offices were being flooded.

You heard it reported that lawmakers were feeling the pressure

from US. We kept the fiscally conservative dialogue ALIVE!

Believe me, passage of an ultra-liberal bill would have been

possible except for the pressure that citizens like you and I

put on our elected officials. 

++Consider what we accomplished together in this battle!

With the help of tens of thousands of like-minded American

patriots, Liberty Counsel Action consistently called attention

to the "two views of America" that is at the heart of the

ongoing fiscal debate.

Just one day after signing the bill, President Obama was back

in his bully pulpit calling for a new round of "fair taxes,"

yet another code phrase for more job-killing tax hikes. 

Without OUR voice, it would have already happened!

Because our supporters took action and made their collective

voices heard, the debate over Big Government and the explosive

growth of statism moved to center stage!  And although there

will be many more battles on this issue ahead, we helped avert

the economic disaster that leftists claim "terrorists" like

us wanted all along!

      What?!  Leftists spend and "stimulate" the nation

      into paralyzing debt and fiscal conservatives are

      waging "jihad" (the latest slur from the New York

      Times) against America? 

But perhaps the most valuable contribution we made in the

debt ceiling fight was to underscore how important it is

that we turn out to vote and take back the United States

Senate and the executive branch in 2012.  Elections have


++For now, we must continue to "hold their feet to the fire"!

Today's culture of tyrannical leadership, cronyism, and

legislators who marginalize the wishes of their constituents

while displaying an arrogant, "I know better" attitude can no

longer be tolerated! 

      Our elected representatives MUST be regularly reminded

      why they were elected and "encouraged" to do the jobs

      they were sent to Washington to do!

But the fact is that Liberty Counsel Action needs your help

to do that "reminding" and successfully perform all the other

important jobs we have been commissioned to do. 

Again, PLEASE consider making a financial gift to Liberty

Counsel Action today. Together, we will make a crucial

difference in this nation!

Please click here to make your gift:

I believe the pressure from Liberty Counsel Action team

members across the nation is having a real impact.  Your

generous financial gift today will enable us to continue

monitoring and acting on the vital issues of the day. 

Please go here to help:

And thank you, as always, for being a valued team member

of Liberty Counsel Action! 

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. We will not be marginalized!  We will continue to impact

the laws and lawmakers of our nation! Please consider a special

gift today to Liberty Counsel Action today:

+ + + Comments? Questions? 

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)4 organization.

Gifts are not tax deductible. For full notice

including notices forindividual states, go here.

August 4, 2011