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Iraq: Your Action May Save Lives

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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You don't know the good you've done already.

On July 12, we asked you to tell Congress to pressure President Obama to get out of Iraq.

Then, on July 22, Rep. Barbara Lee, a Democrat from California, and Rep. Walter Jones, a Republican from North Carolina, crafted a letter to President Obama urging him to do just that. This letter is posted below.

92 other Representatives have signed this letter. You can see their names here. 

Let's give the Barack Obama no choice but to keep his promise to end the Iraq War -- a promise that helped get him elected President. Let's get the rest of the House, as well as the Senate, to sign this letter.  You can do so using's Bring the Troops Home campaign.

Here is what I sent to them. You are free to change it to thank your Representative if he or she has already signed on:

I agree with this letter to the President written by Reps. Barbara Lee and Walter Jones. Dozens of Representatives have co-signed this letter. I hope you and EVERY member of Congress signs it.

Dear Mr. President:

We are writing to urge you to hold to our nation’s Status of Forces Agreement with the government of Iraq that commits our nation to bringing all of our troops and military contractors home at the end of this calendar year.

The American people have made it clear that the war in Iraq must end. By wide and overwhelming margins, Americans approve of your plan to remove all the troops from Iraq by the end of this year.

We are deeply concerned to learn that your Administration is considering plans to keep potentially thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq beyond the end of this year. Extending our presence in Iraq is counterproductive - the Iraqi people do not support our continued

occupation. Remaining in Iraq would only further strengthen the perception that we are an occupying force with no intention of leaving Iraq.

Leaving troops and military contractors in Iraq beyond the deadline is not in our nation’s security interests, it is not in our nation’s strategic interests, and it is not in our nation’s economic interests.

Mr. President, we look forward to working with you in maintaining our nation’s Status of Forces Agreement with the government of Iraq and bringing all of our troops and military contractors home at the end of this year.

Please contact the offices of Rep. Barbara Lee or Rep. Walter Jones stating that you want to sign this letter. Please reply to me and say that you have done so.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

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Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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