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No, Mr. President, the time for compromise is NEVER!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Speaker of the House, John Boehner, couldn't muster

    enough votes last night to pass his debt ceiling bill

    and had to pull it from the floor.  Sensing an advantage

    while the Speaker was retrenching, President Obama called

    a special press conference Friday morning.  His message's

    sound bite?  "The time for compromise is now!"       

    By "compromise," of course, the President means he wants

    to raise the debt ceiling, raise taxes, and generally

    continue the disastrous spending of the past 30 months. 

    But Liberty Counsel Action says, "NO"!      

    This is a crucial time for grassroots, conservative

    Americans to prove that the power of last fall's elections

    were not a flash-in-the-pan event.  We must make certain

    our voice continues to be heard!  Read my urgent

    message below - Mat.   

As I write this, Speaker Boehner and other House Republicans

are frantically drafting another revised debt ceiling bill in

order to pass it and get it to the Senate before the August

2nd deadline.  A vote in the House is expected later today,

assuming the Speaker thinks he has enough votes to pass it. 

Further, the delay in the House has emboldened Senate

Majority Leader Harry Reid to re-start efforts to produce

a Senate version of the bill, allegedly engaging Republicans

in the process.      

    So, as of right now, the ONLY debt ceiling bill to

    emerge out of either congressional chamber is the

    House's original "Cut, Cap and Balance" legislation.

    It has proven to be one of the more level approaches to

    this dire national crisis. It overwhelmingly passed the

    House, while Senator Reid called it a "waste of time"

    and made sure it got tabled in the Senate. Nonetheless,

    it contains the basic principles necessary to forge a

    path out of this escalating fiscal crisis!

The "Cut, Cap and Balance" concept IS what most conservatives

want out of Congress.  It is what we hoped for when the power

of our votes "flipped" the House and dramatically changing

the makeup of the Senate last November. 

That's why Liberty Counsel Action continues to call on

every concerned American to take part in a massive "Fax

Barrage" to Senators urging them to pass a bill containing

the core elements of the "Cut, Cap and Balance" initiative!  

We steadfastly continue to call for a step in the right

direction to reign in government spending, exercise fiscal

restraint, and create more accountability!        

    Our massive Fax Barrage includes an immediate and

    steady stream of faxes to your two Senators and other

    key leaders.   

Obviously, no one knows the exact form a successful bill

will eventually take, but we MUST continue to insist that

the Senate endorse the core principals the House originally


Even if you have already sent faxes, please click here to

get your personalized messages delivered to the United

States Senate:

If you prefer, we always encourage you to send your own

faxes. We have provided all the information you need to

reach Senators here:


++Watch for the "blame game" - and the media's leading role!  

I fully expect that President Obama and the Democrat

leftist-controlled Senate will ramp up the blame toward the

House and Senate conservatives concerning this crisis - from

now all the way to Election Day 2012!  

But no matter what the President and his followers say, here

are some undeniable facts about this intensifying crisis: 

1)  President Obama does NOT have a debt plan and he has yet

to offer anything specific other than calling for increases

in revenue through tax restructuring (code words for raising

taxes).  You really can't blame him - his budget proposal in

February was obliterated by the Senate with a 97-0 vote! 

2)  The President has successfully created class warfare in

America by calling for more taxes on the "rich" and

suggesting the "rich" don't pay their fair share (this

naked assertion is completely untrue, but it serves the

administration's purpose).

3) The Democrats have NOT brought any proposals to the

table, with the exception of Harry Reid's proposal, which

is riddled with gimmicky accounting and is rightly being

panned for including "savings" like "fraud reduction" and

defense savings AFTER we withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq.   

4)  The August 2nd "deadline" is entirely arbitrary and has

been used to create a counterfeit motive for passing a less-

than-desirable piece of legislation.  The United States

government will NOT default on our loans or hold benefit

checks if August 2nd comes and goes without a debt ceiling

bill in place.      

    Here's the bottom line: We cannot allow irresponsible,

    out-of-control government spending to continue taking

    the United States further into insurmountable debt!  

We all know that if leftists continue to

have their way in rampant spending, increasing entitlements,

and expanding government, America won't last much longer. We

cannot stand by silently during the most important policy

battle of our lifetime!   

I believe the pressure from Liberty Counsel Action team

members across the nation is having a real impact! Click

here to send your personalized faxes to the Senate:


And thank you, as always, for being a valued team member

of Liberty Counsel Action!   

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. The House is open this weekend! Remember that August

2nd is an artificial deadline created by the fear-mongering

tactics of the leftists!  To grassroots Americans, it is

MUCH more important that Congress do the right thing in

changing our catastrophic fiscal course than to force

through a bad bill by August 2nd.  Fax the Senate now!

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