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Now, call Obama's bluff


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The House Republicans stood firm last night, and Speaker Boehner could not whip up the support needed for a successful vote on his latest "deal" with Harry Reid.

Good. Our campaign is working. We've told the Republicans "No More Red Ink" and they are not buying the bogus notion that borrowing more NOW is ok as long as spending cuts are promised for LATER. If you have not already done so, please add your voice. It takes less than five minutes and, boy, does it make a difference. Do it today!

Here's why "missing" the deadline is important: Barack Obama's Aug. 2 deadline for raising the debt limit is as phony as his Aug. 4 birthday.

The president is acting like a tough guy who is going to personally withhold the Social Security checks of widows and orphans if Republicans in Congress don't raise the limit on his credit card by trillions of dollars.

He's threatening to invoke economic chaos and havoc by presumably ordering his treasury secretary to default on loan obligations if he doesn't get his way.

In short, he's acting like a spoiled child who has been misbehaving. If his reckless and abominable behavior is corrected or challenged, he promises to be really bad.

Here's how we are going to stop him in his tracks: We're continuing the full-court press of the "No More Red Ink" campaign through this evening.

Let me simplify this debt-limit debate: Obama is already destroying the economy with unprecedented levels of spending borrowed money. If he is permitted to continue, there will be no money in short order for widows and orphans, and default on debt will be an inevitability. We can say no to him now, or we can allow him to continue to wreck the economy and roll up more debt at higher interest rates for two more years – with the possibility of America reaching a fiscal point of no return.

For some reason, however, Republicans are still trying to bargain with him. They're still trying to reason with him. They're still trying to reach a point of compromise.

I've been trying to explain since January of this year that there is no bargaining with Obama and Democrats over spending cuts. There is no reasoning with Obama and Democrats over reducing the size and scope of the federal government. There is no point of compromise with Obama and Democrats on their religion of socialism. They are true believers. Asking them to be reasonable and cut government is like asking them to commit heresy, to fall away from their faith, to become apostates.

It's never going to happen.

Republicans have one (1) – count 'em – one (1) option to save the country from these enemies of freedom and free enterprise and private property: It is to dry up their well of cash they are borrowing from future generations – the unborn Americans for whom they have less regard than they do for spotted owls.

There is only one way Republicans in Congress can do this – it is to call Obama's bluff and vote no on raising the debt limit. There is no halfway measure that will work. Republicans can only use the power they have – and House Republicans have complete power to deprive Obama of any more borrowed money. If they give in on that point, they lose any and all bargaining power on what he does with it.

Obama is not going to cut the budget. For starters, he doesn't even have a budget to cut! The Democrats have refused to create a plan for spending because they don't want Americans to see what they are doing with the money they are confiscating from them.

It's time to allow Obama and the Democrats to be 100 percent accountable for the economic disaster they have made for themselves. By no means should Republicans be complicit in creating a bigger mess. And clearly any hike in the debt ceiling is a direct contribution to deepening America's financial crisis.

So what can you and I do as this phony deadline approaches?

I know of only one thing.

Help get the word to the House Republicans not to cave in to the bullying tactics of Obama and the Dems.

Send all of them a fast, urgent and economical message through the "No More Red Ink" campaign today, which has already generated more than 1 million such letters.

Obama's right about one thing: There's no more time to waste on negotiations going nowhere.

But the answer is not capitulation. The answer is the Constitution. The answer is responsibility. The answer is doing the right thing.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer