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Vote on Debt Ceiling Today

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From the desk of

Steve Elliott, President Grassfire Nation

More "sleight-of-hand" tricks are coming out of Washington.

House Speaker John Boehner is back at the drawing board

developing another debt hike bill after being told by the

Congressional Budget Office that his prior spending bill

fell far short of the $1 trillion in cuts he promised!

      Enraged fiscal conservatives panned Boehner's prior

      bill as nothing short of an accounting sham and

      betrayal, which ultimately gave Obama's Democrats

      everything they want.   

+ + Boehner's arm-twisting is a bad idea for America! 

According to Politico, this morning, Speaker Boehner bluntly

told wavering GOP lawmakers this morning to "get your a--

in line" behind his debt ceiling bill as he scrambles for votes.

Your Congressman is being strong-armed and intimidated to

accept and support a bill that doesn't do what was promised!

Now we are being told that Boehner will bring spending legislation

to the House floor for a vote tomorrow (Thursday, July 28).

As part of Grassfire Nation's "National Government

Spending Addiction Intervention Week," we are urging ALL

members of our team to Fax their Representatives and other

key House leaders telling them precisely what is on your

mind regarding our debt crisis!      

Click here now to schedule your faxes for fast delivery:


We've been told that liberals are lighting up Capitol

Switchboards by a 5:1 margin over Conservatives!

This is no time to be silent!

This is YOUR moment to speak up and out to the very people

that will be deciding your future and the future of our nation.

Don't delay. Don't let one more minute pass before you

express yourself to your Congressman about our debt crisis.

Click here to schedule your faxes to the House and contact

your Congressman:

Thank you in advance for taking fast action with Grassfire

Nation during our "National Government Spending Addiction

Intervention Week."

Grassfire Nation

P.S. After scheduling your faxes for immediate delivery,

please alert your conservative friends to take fast action

with you by clicking here:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real

impact on the key issues of our day. 

Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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