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Obama rejects bipartisan debt deal!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid carried

      a plan laboriously worked out through the weekend to

      the President. It was a bi-partisan approach that

      centered on two steps: Lifting the debt ceiling by

      a nominal amount through the end of the year,

      followed by spending cuts that would exceed the debt

      increase.  Even though the plan was personally

      presented by the President's fellow liberal Democrats,

      Leaders Reid and Pelosi, Barack Obama said "NO"!

      Now, if anything can bring this disaster back from

      the brink, it will have to be fast, determined action

      on the part of the Senate!  That's why we are sending

      a powerful Fax Barrage into the Senate urging Senators

      to produce a bill that contains the core elements of

      the House's "Cut, Cap and Balance" bill. See my urgent

      message below - Mat.               

This is an urgent alert!  There are only a few more precious

days to avert a national fiscal disaster.  Amazingly, after

being presented a BI-PARTISAN plan by the Democrat Senate

Majority Leader, accompanied by the Democrat Minority Leader

of the House, President Barack Obama immediately said, "NO"!

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's assessment that no

balanced budget deal can ever be achieved while Barack Obama

is President is beginning to look prophetic!

      But we cannot afford to stand by silently while there

      is still time for a resolution to this White House

      stand-off.  That's why we are continuing to deliver

      a powerful message to the Senate through Liberty

      Counsel Action's potent "Fax Barrage" program!

++The log jam in the Senate must be broken!

With each passing day, our nation's fiscal health gets worse,

leaving us, our children and grandchildren bearing the debt

burden of reckless government spending.

      The US national debt now exceeds $14 trillion, a

      liability of $129,000 per taxpayer!


      The US unfunded liabilities debt (promised future

      obligations) now exceeds $114 trillion, a debt of

      over $1 million per taxpayer!

"Cut, Cap and Balance" has proven to be one of the more

level approaches to this dire national crisis that could

take the American economy into an insurmountable disaster.

++What is "Cut, Cap and Balance," and why is it vital that

the Senate produce a bill containing its core principles?

      Cut -- The bill calls for discretionary and mandatory

      spending reductions in FY 2012 by reducing next year's

      projected $3.6 trillion in spending by $111 billion.

      Cap -- Gradually places caps on spending over the

      coming decade from 24.1 percent of the US economy

      this year, 22.5 percent next year, to 19.9 percent

      in 2021. If a cap is breached, spending would

      automatically be cut.  (Social Security, Medicare,

      military personnel, veterans and interest due on the

      debt are exempt).

      Balance -- The legislation requires that Congress

      pass a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) and mandates

      that it be sent to the states for ratification before

      the president's request before a debt limit increase

      is granted.

++Our elected officials have a serious spending problem! 

We are appalled at the Obama Administration's and Congress'

continued fiscal insanity, out-of -control government spending

and borrowing, and printing ever more currency, thus devaluing

the dollar.

Right now, fiscal conservatives in the Senate are in a unique

position to bring about changes with lasting effects - to use

the leverage of this debt ceiling debate to encourage agreement

on real spending cuts, spending caps, and even a balanced

budget amendment.

The House passed "Cut, Cap and Balance." Now it's the Senate's

turn to advance a bill that contains its core principles! 

++FAX YOUR SENATORS NOW!  Only a few days remain!

Liberty Counsel Action is calling on every concerned American

to take part in a massive "Fax Barrage" to key Senators urging

them to pass a bill containing the core elements of the Cut,

Cap and Balance initiative.  It is a step in the right direction

to reign in government spending, exercise fiscal restraint,

and create more accountability. 

      This massive barrage will include an immediate and

      steady stream of faxes to your two Senators and other

      key leaders!  

A Senate vote is expected as soon as there is agreement on a

vehicle that can be passed quickly.  No one knows the exact

form a successful bill will take, but we MUST continue to

insist that the Senate bill contains the core principals the

House passed!

Click here to get your personalized messages delivered to the

halls of the United States Senate:

If you prefer, we always encourage you to send your own faxes.

We have provided all the information you need to reach Senators


Action #2: Call your Senators!

Because time is so short, I encourage you to also call your

Senators. Firmly tell them to stand firm and commit to saving

our country from financial ruin and collapse BEFORE even

considering raising the debt ceiling, which is a mandate

included in the "Cut, Cap and Balance" bill passed by the House.

Our Fax Barrage will continue to flood Senate offices until

the critical vote takes place.  We will notify you immediately

when our sources tell us a vote is imminent! 

We have been told many times that this strategy really does

make a difference!  But time is of the essence if we are to

have any hope of preventing the looming disaster that will

occur if no agreement is reached. 

We MUST continue to be a strong voice for fiscal conservatism

and stop the President from turning this crisis into yet

another liberal fiscal disaster!

THANK YOU for supporting Liberty Counsel Action in this vital


God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Time is of the essence to contact your Senators and urge

them to pass a bill that contains the principles embodied in

the House's "Cut, Cap and Balance" legislation.  Click here to

schedule your personal faxes:

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(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This

e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.

To contact Liberty Counsel Action with comments, questions or

to change your status, see the link at the end of this e-mail.)

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+ + Comments? Questions?

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not tax deductible. For full notice including notices for

individual states, go here.

July 25, 2011