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23 grievances against "King Obama"

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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We are sending your modern-day Declaration of Independence

to "King" Obama next Thursday. Please help me rally tens

of thousands more co-signers by forwarding the message below

to your friends. This campaign has gained great support and

will have a very strong impact, but we need more signers

to make it even more effective!  Thanks for helping - Mat.

(Forward this message)

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23 Grievances against "King Obama"

from Mathew Staver and Liberty Counsel

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The events of the past few days once again show how self-

absorbed and self-promotional President Obama can be, even

during a time of national emergency.

The man who has personally contributed more to the

overwhelming financial crisis gripping our nation than

any other president or elected official has refused to

support a balanced budget amendment - even shamelessly

using the Constitution to try to defend his indefensible


      This from a president whose actions have continually

      subverted and manipulated the Constitution to advance

      his overtly socialist political agenda.   

That's why next Thursday, Liberty Counsel is sending our 23

specific grievances to the President (a man who operates

more like a modern-day King George III than an elected official

bound by an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United

States!) and many other elected and unelected officials. 

These 23 grievances are at the heart of our powerful

"Declaration of Independence 2011."

      We will deliver this document with its list of specific

      grievances to the Obama administration, Congress, and

      other bureaucrats who need to get the message that in

      America, we don't tolerate tyrants! Please go here now

      to read the full document and be included in this very

      important delivery:

++Our grievances against King Barack Obama.

Here are just a few of the 23 grievances we are filing against

King Obama and the left-wing, elitist political class that

supports him and are bent on destroying our nation:

Barack Obama and his administration have...

      Fraudulently installed a national healthcare system

      against the will of the people, on its face an example

      of illegal wealth distribution, while repeatedly

      violating the Constitution in doing so...

      Squandered the nation's resources, creating

      insurmountable public debt...

      Enacted an administrative measure forcing American

      tax payers to pay for abortions in foreign nations...

      Promoted same-sex "marriage" against the will of the

      majority of Americans, advanced same-sex adoption, and

      directed an arbitrary policy shift to normalize same-sex

      relations in the United States armed forces...

      Engaged in several "world tours" to apologize for

      America, bowing to foreign tyrants...


      And appointed any number of extra-constitutional,

      unelected and unaccountable executive "czars."


These are just a few of the egregious violations listed in

the "Declaration of Independence 2011" that expose the

specific ways in which the Obama administration has

subverted and bypassed the Constitution of the United

States of America.

These grievances are so severe that we felt duty-bound as

a public interest law firm to re-cast what is widely

considered to be the most important single document in

American history - the Declaration of Independence - in

today's setting, reflecting the political and governmental

situation we face today.

      We need YOUR signature on this Declaration (which

      was known as a "bill of particulars" at the hour of

      our nation's founding) before we deliver it next

      Thursday. Click here to read the entire document and

      to sign our comprehensive "Declaration of Independence


Liberty Counsel is rallying tens of thousands of Americans

to join together and send a clear message that WE WILL NOT

SUBMIT to out-of-touch elected officials who ignore the

clear will of the American people! 

In just a few days, we have already enrolled tens of

thousands of concerned Americans in this powerful statement

of discontent with what is happening - not in 1776, but

right now in the summer of 2011!

Click here now to sign the "Declaration of Independence 2011":

Proclaim YOUR stand against tyranny!  We want to tell the

President, his administration, the media, our elected

representatives, government bureaucrats, and whoever else

needs to hear about it, that patriotic Americans REFUSE

to stand by while leftists take our nation apart, plank

by plank!

This is a citizen action that every freedom-loving American

should take! Now more than ever, the enemies of true liberty

need to know that those of us who love liberty have not

given up! 

THANK YOU for all you do, and have done, as a key member of

the Liberty Counsel team!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. Tell King Obama that you agree with the 23 specific

grievances listed in the Declaration. Together, we can

stop the deceit and tyranny of the current regime! Please

join me in signing Liberty Counsel's "Declaration of

Independence 2011."

This document is already making its way all across our

nation, but we need as many signers as possible!  After

signing and helping with a financial gift, please send

this message to several of your patriotic, God-fearing

friends. Again, thank you and God bless you!

+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and

Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and

policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,

the sanctity of human life and family. 

Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

July 22, 2011