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The time is now - it's all being decided

Joseph Farah Editor and Chief Executive Officer WND

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Don't go wobbly!

America's financial future is being decided in the next few days

- possibly sooner

It's decision time in the U.S. House of Representatives. Now. Today.

Votes are being lined up and we need to say clearly: "No more borrowing" – period. House Republicans have never had more power than they have right now. Click here to send that message immediately.

Here's where things stand on the debt limit debate: The House just passed the "Cut, Cap and Balance Act," which the Senate is almost certain to defeat and/or otherwise send right back to the House for further consideration as part of new "compromise" legislation.

In other words, our future is being decided at this moment in the halls of the U.S. Congress and something is going to happen by August 2.

Are our elected officials listening to the American people?

Oh, House Republicans are listening all right, as a "veteran GOP aide" told Roll Call yesterday:

"As we near closer to the Aug. 2 deadline, we are closer to Armageddon. But leadership can't sell that argument to our Conference. What has to happen is constituents will need to pressure their Members in order for the Members to believe the consequences to not raising the debt ceiling exist." (emphasis added)

You got that?

Republican congressmen have the power, right now, to cancel Obama's credit card, say no to Obamacare, shut the doors at unconstitutional departments and agencies and end funding for NPR, PBS and Planned Parenthood -- simply by refusing to raise the debt ceiling ...

... but they are waiting to be talked out of it.

Top Republican advisors are urging them to listen to their constituents, earnestly hoping those constituents – i.e., you - tell them to keep borrowing American into oblivion.

Now is the time to act. Click here: It will take less than 5 minutes to put a big, red notice in front of each of their faces saying "Stop!" We've sent over a million so far this year and we need to keep up the pressure. They are listening!

As you know by now, I have been virtually obsessed with the issue of the debt limit since January of this year.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: It is the most important issue Congress, and especially the Republican-controlled House, will deal with during this two-year session.

But many people can't relate to it. They don't understand it. Their eyes glaze over when they hear the phrase “debt limit.”

Let's make it real simple.

Do you want Barack Obama to keep spending like he has been spending since he took office in 2009?

If so, then you should lobby your members of Congress to raise the debt limit. I hope you don't, but I'm just being honest.

If, however, like me, you want to see Obama not only forced to stop spending money your grandchildren and great-children have not yet had an opportunity to earn, then you should oppose any hike in the debt limit.

If the debt limit is raised, Obama will have more make-believe money to spend – money that has not yet been earned, money that has not yet been printed, money that will have to be repaid by future generations of Americans with significant interest.

If the debt limit is not raised, Obama will not only have to stop spending so much, he'll be forced, along with his Democratic allies in the U.S. Senate, to dramatically cut their plans for spending. In fact, they will have to cut so much spending would have to be reduced to levels not seen since the administration of George W. Bush in 2005 when the federal government spent about $2.2 trillion.

For the life of me, I can't understand why any Republican would want to see Obama have more money to spend.

For the life of me, I don't know why any American would want to see the wasteful, corrupt, unaccountable federal government have more money to spend and more power to wield over our lives.

That's what this debate is all about.

Yet, even many Republicans don't get it. Many don't even seem to realize this is the only way they can actually curtail Obama's spending – with control of only the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the House John Boehner

Republicans have come up with all kinds of elaborate and complicated budget plans, some over a 10-year period, some advocating as much borrowing as Obama is demanding and others designed to woo Democrats to their side. There's even a plan to demand Obama cut a dollar for every dollar he borrows.

As the guy who first demanded of Republicans when they first took office in January that they not increase the debt limit, can I tell you why none of the above makes sense?

  • If you cut a dollar for every dollar you borrow, there is no point in borrowing.
  • There is no need to persuade any Democrats to freeze spending or cut spending. Republicans in the House have complete power to do that today by voting against any increase in the debt limit.
  • Any Republican who tells you we need a 10-year plan to balance the budget is a Republican in name only. That's right. I mean even the much-beloved Paul Ryan plan is a complete sell-out based on continued heavy borrowing, relies on future Congresses leaving five new Congresses leaving the plan in place and requires Democrats to approve it – something they will never do.

So what's left for Republicans to do in 2011 beside complain and gripe about Obama's policies?

There's only two things they can do:

  • vote no on any tax increase
  • vote no on raising the debt limit

If they do just these two things, they will cause a political revolution in Washington as big as the one Ronald Reagan led.

If they don't, they will have betrayed their mandate to voters who put them in power.

Here is what Justin Phillips, founder and CEO of Tea Party Nation, had to say in a recent column at WND:

"The problem is, the American people and the tea-party movement did not send Republicans to Washington to surrender. We sent them to cut the budget.

"John Boehner has demonstrated that he has no stomach for a fight and no commitment to stopping the insane spending that is sending this country into insolvency.

"Two years ago, the tea-party movement arose with a simple message. We will not sit back quietly while the extreme liberal fringe spends this country into bankruptcy and poverty.

"The Republicans talked a good game during the election season. Even after the election season, Boehner has talked about the need to cut spending. Wednesday, on his website, his staff posted an article about how high deficits and debt kills jobs. John, if you believe this, why aren't you cutting spending?"

It's decision time in Washington, DC. Members of Congress are looking for any excuse to go wobbly, break their promise to America and get out of town for the summer.

Don't let the Members of Congress escape their historic responsibility: Click here to tell them you are watching, and that you want them to vote for "No More Red Ink" under any circumstances. It takes less than 5 minutes, so if you have not done so already, please send that message now.