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Enough is Enough

From the Soapbox

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I am so tired of watching these idiots in Washington D. C. stumble around like bumbling fools. As they “spin,” the debt ceiling rises to such levels that at this moment to pay it off, each citizen in the United States would have to chip in around $114,000.00 dollars. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that kind of money. I’m a senior citizen, and PROUD OF IT! I've worked for a living, raised and sent my child to college, paid my taxes, and obeyed the law. Further, I've managed to do all of this by living within a balanced budget.

Folks, we are in trouble and yet nothing continues to be done in Washington, but worthless back and forth “spin.”  To add salt to our wounds, our President has the audacity to suggest that seniors, or those who are disabled,  or  the VA may well not receive checks in August.  Now, I know that what he said was a veiled threat, but why threaten senior citizens?  Why scare those among us who are the weakest, or the poorest?   Why threaten those Americans who are disabled? Why threaten Americans who serve in the military who lay their lives literally on the line to protect us here at home. I just cannot understand this mentality…that those we elect seemingly serve themselves and forget who pay their salaries, support their lifelong pensions…pension benefits, I might add,   we can only dream of, and yes, their health care benefits which are far better than anything we could ever hope for; or, for that matter, pay for.  I bet that if we had the power to cut off their fat paychecks, suspend their pension accruals, etc., that these fat cats would start “working” for a change.  Now wouldn’t that be a breath of fresh air! You know, I spent many years in Human Resources management in the private sector and I can tell you for certain…..if we had employees who continued to fail to do their jobs, they would be terminated for cause and quite often, terminated without "golden parachuts."

Until you,  (the employer of the President, the employer of Congress)  steps  up to the plate, and spends time to let them know your level of disgust, they will continue to  “spin and play their little shell game” all the while  bleeding  us dry and driving America and Americans  into the poor house.  Oops,  we won’t be able to afford the poor house….I guess we’ll just meet under the bridge somewhere, grab a refrigerator box for housing,  and call it “home sweet home.”

Write them, call them, e-mail them, but give your voice to these important matters.  Failure to do so allows them to continue to stick it to us!  Well, they’ve stuck me for the last time.  I’m going to yell and scream until someone starts to listen.  How about you?  What are you prepared to do to get their attention?  They may leave us with little, but they cannot take away our voice!   

I spent this morning e-mailing the President, Speaker Boehner, Senator McConnell and my Texas congressional representatives.  I’m tired of nothing being done, aren’t you?  If so, stand up, speak out and tell these idiots we are sick to death of their continuing failure to do their jobs.  I really don’t care who you voted for,  or  your political affiliation.  This problem transcends political parties, liberal vs conservative… We are AMERICANS!  Speak up for your rights.


 P.S. . . . and, you 'younger uns' lissen up too!  We older ones didn't!  We are not talking about the 'sad situation' down the block, in the next town, in another state, over in a third world country . . . THIS IS US (U.S/UNITED STATES) . . . YOU AND ME AND OURS!


----- Original Message -----From: Robin Nixon
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:22 AM
Subject: From the 'Soapbox'!