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My Hat is Off to the Nashville Mother Who Stood Up to the TSA Against The Groping of Her Daughter

Realman 2000

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  Where has common sense gone? Reading about how sworn officers arrest a woman for standing up for her daughter rights is one more reason to get the Federal government out of the big cities and the police department. These cops suck up to a bunch of minimum wage goons and arrest a woman who did not want her daughter’s fourth amendment rights violated. There is nothing wrong with the woman being angry saying no to the TSA not to have her daughter groped. For those police officers who arrested this mother. You should just turn in your badge and gun if you are not going to uphold the law.


              So what is disorderly conduct? Is the TSA goon groping and feeling up passengers without cause? Is it the mother standing up to a bunch of federal funded bullies doing as a parent should do standing up and defending the dignity of her child? Disorderly conduct charge is pending because she challenged the TSA. I wish that father back in November would have punched the lights out of that TSA thug for groping his son.  He would have been an American hero and I do not think the public would not be mad at him at all and the TSA might be scared a little if more men gave these goons a broken nose. Where are all the men? It seems the ladies are the ones willing to fight and stand up.


              For those Police Officers who arrested this mother. I wonder ,are you now going arrest the parents when they call the police on a pedophile who is going to harm their kids. Are you going to arrest the store clerk if he stops a robbery? In Chicago, they do if someone defends their home from a home invader. Police need to uphold state law against the TSA and stop going along pandering to these thugs. The TSA are violating state law using official oppression committing sexual assault to grope and feel up passengers without probable cause. I hope the police get egg on their face when this woman gets a jury trial and they all pass the verdict down saying "Not Guilty". The people know better that this woman should have not been the one going to jail and the government perverts should have been behind bars for violating state law. Standing up for our God given rights should not be converted into a crime.

July 13, 2011