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Congress moving to silence your voice!


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The blustering winds of compromise are whistling through

the corridors of Capitol Hill and threatening to silence

your voice!

Yesterday Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

floated what he calls "a last choice" option for President

Obama -- a three stage plan that fellow Republican Newt

Gingrich calls "an irresponsible surrender."

It's happening again - the voice of "We the People" is being

choked out behind closed doors, and in darkened corridors

by political powerbrokers efforting to do what's best for

their party!

And while the political gamesmanship and posturing continues

on the on-going debt ceiling debate, there is a critical

upcoming vote in Congress that demands a loud response from

the American people...

Grassfire Nation has confirmed that a full House vote is

taking place on Wednesday, July 20 on a Balanced Budget

Amendment -- a key component to our "CUT, CAP AND BALANCE"


       This amendment would "forbid government outlay" from

       spending more than is taken in unless 3/5ths of

       Congress votes otherwise.

In short, this amendment will force Congress to

live within its means!

+ + Key Petition Delivery on the Eve of the Amendment Vote!

Hours before this vote takes place, Grassfire Nation will be

rushing your petitions that support a Balanced Budget Amendment

to key members of Congress!

Having already signed our petition, we are asking for your

help in two critical ways in the days leading to the House

Balanced Budget Amendment vote.

First, forward this message to 30-40 friends urging them to

join with you by clicking below and signing Grassfire Nation's

"CUT, CAP AND BALANCE" petition right now:

Have them click here to sign:

Grassfire Nation representatives will be hand-delivering

these important petitions in the hours leading to Balanced

Amendment vote, and we want to give as many Americans as

possible an opportunity to be represented.

But don't delay. Our deadline to be included in this delivery

is Tuesday, July 19 at 9 a.m. ET. That means, for your friends

to be included they must sign our petition prior to our deadline.

+ + Expand your Impact: Fax Congress Today!

After alerting your friends, consider dramatically increasing

your personal impact on the Balanced Budget Amendment by

faxing your two South Dakota Senators and Representative along

with key leaders in Congress!

There isn't a more effective way to impact lawmakers prior

to a key vote than via fax, and using Grassfire Nation's

Faxfire faxing system makes it as simple as clicking a button.

Click here now to schedule your Balanced Budget Amendment faxes

for fast delivery:

However, if you prefer to send faxes on your own, we make it

easy for you to download contact information and our custom

letters. Simply click below:

The Balanced Budget Amendment is a cornerstone of our CUT,

CAP AND BALANCE platform, and it demands the immediate

attention of EVERY member of our amazing Grassfire Nation


Don't delay, alert your friends and family and schedule

your personalized faxes for quick delivery today.

As always thanks for your outstanding support.

Grassfire Nation

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a

million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real

impact on the key issues of our day. 

Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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+ +

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