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OUTRAGEOUS! Police officer suspended


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Tulsa Police Captain Suspended

Without Pay!

We urge you to sign the ACT! for America petition calling for his reinstatement!

As reported in here and here, Tulsa Police Captain Paul Fields was recently suspended for two weeks without pay because he refused to attend a "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" event at the Islamic Society of Tulsa – an event that was nothing more than Islamic proselytizing.


Islamic Society of Tulsa

According to the Thomas More Law Center, which has filed suit on behalf of Captain Fields, the event required that police officers observe a Friday afternoon Muslim prayer service and attend classes on Islamic beliefs. At first, officers were asked to volunteer to attend the event, but when few signed up to do so, they were ordered to attend.

Imagine the outcry from the ACLU, liberals on college campuses, and newspapers like the New York Times, if the Tulsa police department ordered a Muslim police officer to attend a "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" during a Sunday morning Christian church service.

In response to this assault on Captain Fields’ constitutional rights, our friends at ACT! for America ( launched a national campaign to publicize this outrage and put pressure on the city of Tulsa to fully reinstate Captain Fields.

The first phase of this campaign is an online petition, which we encourage you to sign.

Please forward this email to others in order to spread the message far and wide.

ACT! for America will deliver the petition during a rally and news conference at Tulsa City Hall later this summer. The organization is also planning a national phone and email campaign to selected Tulsa officials.

Every name added to this petition will put that much more pressure on Tulsa officials to do the right thing.

Please add your name today!