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Conservative women respond to debt crisis

Penny Nance Concerned Women for Americ

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Please see below for Concerned Women for America's response

to President Obama's statements on the debt crisis, and

what you can do about it.

Grassroots Action

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Penny Nance,

Concerned Women for America

Today, President Obama engaged in the typical liberal class

warfare while throwing down the gauntlet on the budget crisis.

Obama rejected a "temporary" resolution to the debt ceiling

crisis: "I will not sign a 30-day, or 60-day or 90-day extension."

Obama also implied that ordinary Americans (i.e. you and me

and the vast majority of citizens who oppose raising the debt

ceiling) just aren't quite sophisticated enough to understand

the crisis!

That means our nation is facing a major economic showdown

over the next three weeks that could determine the direction

of our country for the next generation. Here at CWA, we are

moving quickly to get the voice of conserative women in the

midst of this debate. But I urgently need your help.

FIRST... Please sign CWA's "Cut, Cap and Balance" petition

demanding that Congress cut and cap spending and pass a

Balanced Budget Amendment. This is absolutely crucial. We will

be delivering these petitions in the coming days BEFORE the

next crucial vote. Go here:

SECOND... Alert your friends today and urge them to sign the

petition. Forward this email to your friends or share on Facebook:

This is a battle for the very heart and soul of our nation and

now we know that the next few weeks will be pivotal.

Please take action. Sign the petition. Share with your friends

on Facebook. And access the resources above.

Thank you and God bless you!

Penny Nance

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