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I am an american citizen and i am in need of your help. As you may already be aware Quartzsite, AZ is currently under martial law. The mayor has been detained, and the corrupt city council has illegally appointed the Police Chief as their new king.....


I will provide information below but first let me tell you what i need. I need you to either come support the constitution and our rights or help me find others that are willing to. We have already contacted the AZ teaparty, the Oathkeepers and AZcopblock but we need as many people as possible to help. If you know of any activist groups or even have some friends that live in the area PLEASE LET THEM KNOW we are going to protest tomorrow, leaving the greater phoenix area at 7am in a caravan and expect to get to Quartzsite around 9:30-10am.


The police are prepared for us, they are in full riot gear and power across the whole town is down. This is the moment of truth, the day you ceased to be a keyboard warrior and became a true patriot. We need you, Arizona needs you and your COUNTRY needs you. If they get away with this do not think for a second this wont be coming to your town.


You can contact me by replying here or emailing me at


[link to] [link to] [link to]





Here are the laws they broke by having this emergency meeting [link to]