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How Obama wins the 2012 election NEXT WEEK

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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If the debt ceiling debate continues on its current path,

Barack Obama will win the 2012 Election - next week.

Allow me to explain.

Obama and the Democrats took a beating in last year's election

for one reason: their Big Government, statist ways. ObamaCare,

the Stimulus, consuming entire industries into the federal

government, and record deficits combined to give Obama the

"Spender-In-Chief" label.

If the "Spender-In-Chief" label sticks during a suffering

economy, Obama's re-election chances are slim.

But if he can become the guy who brought Congress together

to "cut $3 trillion in government spending" during the debt

ceiling crisis, he will shed the  "Spender-In-Chief" label

and run on a platform of fiscal responsibility.

And as an added bonus, he has already managed to get GOP

leaders to agree on "revenue increases" (i.e. tax increases) --

diffusing the tax issue heading into the election year.

So the spending label would be gone. The tax issue would be

dead. And all this could happen in the next week. Essentially,

Barack Obama could win the 2012 presidential election in the

next week.

If this matters to you, here are a few things you can do:


Schedule personalized faxes to be delivered not only to your

two Senators and Representative, but to ALL the key lawmakers

in this debate!

With just a simple click of a button, you will have the

unprecedented opportunity to share your thoughts and concerns

and have them immediately delivered to Capitol Hill offices

Go here:


This is one of the most innovative ways to let your Senators

and Representative know that you REJECT their spending ways.

Send them a "credit card" that has been "Pre-Declined" by U.S.

Taxpayers, telling Congress, "Don't Even Bother Asking To

Borrow Any More Money!"

Cards are shipping next week. Go here:


Your members of Congress need to hear from you. Call them today.

Sen. Johnson 202-224-5842

Sen. Thune 202-224-2321

Rep. Noem 202-225-2801

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

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Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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