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  If I have to hear, one more person say, “Secession is treason”. I do not know how I will handle myself if I hear it. People forget history and do not care to find out. They think the Fourth of July is beer, barbeque, the beach and exploding loud pyrotechnics, as we like to call fire works. Many think the revolution started on the day July 4, 1776. Many do not know we have been at war since April 19 1775 at Lexington and Concord. The siege on Boston Harbor was already a victory for us. We already chased the redcoats out of Boston retreating to New York. The war for the right to secede from England has begun.

               The Continental Congress was in session in Philadelphia to discuss forming a new republic free from Great Britain. After much debate tearing apart the document that Thomas Jefferson authored listing the grievances against the king and why they were declaring Independence from a tyrannical monarchy. Many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew once they signed the document, they committed an act of treason against King George III. All the colonies said we are not playing by your oppressive rules anymore. We are not paying the Bank of England with your taxes. We are better off without you and want to self govern. We do not need you and we do not want you.

                For the cause of secession, many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence paid the price losing children, they were sentenced to death by a rope and dieing as paupers in financial hardships. They made the sacrifices for the cause of being free from a tyrant. They really did pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for us. I prefer to remember that July 4 is not just Independence Day. It should be a day to honor those who made the personal sacrifices pledging everything for liberty so we can live in a free nation. The day we give thanks for divine providence for giving birth to this republic and the blessings of liberty we so much enjoy. I ask again for our firm reliance on our Creator again so this nation shall not perish from the earth and freedom will survive.

                 Today we are facing the same enemies we dealt with back in the early days of the revolution. Our government is trying to get us to pay for a debt we do not owe, we are in wars for conquest, and we have a tyrannical government out of Washington that is so arrogant to think we are their subjects. We are suffering the same repeated abuses and injuries  from our Federal government. We are dealing with a group of people who are alien to our form of government and our way of life. They seek to overthrow the republic and our Constitution. The right to be independent and free in a political divorce does not mean we are seeking to overthrow the nation. Just severing the ties. It is the right to be a sovereign republic to self-govern as the people see fit. Not as the bankers and monarchs, desire us to be their slaves.

                 For Texas, this should be a day to remember we have the right to secede when our form of government no longer works for the people and has become destructive to our posterity. This is a day we remind ourselves that we do have a right to sever ties in a political divorce to form a new government that secures the rights of the people; neither do we serve the bankers and Israel. We have a right to break free from an empire that goes in our name to destroy other sovereign nations for the bankers, Israel and mega corporations. We have a right to establish diplomatic relations with other nations, form alliances and establish trade. The Day July 4 is a day not only that a new republic was born. It is a day to remember we also have a right to secede. I look forward to the day when Texas will lift its head and Stand among the nations, not enslaved to the bankers. That is the day we erect new safeguards to our freedoms never to be subject to an outside power again.